I hold the ball in my release hand about belt high and position my hand the way I want the ball to leave my hand. By rotating my hand in this position at address, around my index finger, I can determine the tilt that I want the ball to leave my hand at release, therefore keeping my wrist in a firm position. example; with my index finger pointing down lane, and my thumb at 9 oclock, I can get the ball into a faster rev release,..and by moving my thumb to 11, I can get the ball further down the lane with less side turn. The key here is to let the thumb come out of the ball(at 9 or 11 or whatever) and lift and rotate with the fingers,..the problem I see with most bowlers is they want to turn the ball with the thumb and not with the fingers,...the last thing to touch the ball shoud be the fingers,..not the fingers and thumb at the same time....