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Author Topic: How much $ do you spend on league night?  (Read 3839 times)


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How much $ do you spend on league night?
« on: February 14, 2004, 09:02:55 PM »
Just wondering how much you folks were spending on average in your league nights.  My wife thinks im on the high side,  I tend to think im pretty average.  I can afford to spend the cash so to me its not really a big deal.      

Bowling - $15 a week league fee
Jackpots - brackets, mystery, overaverage, strike pot, team 50/50  $15
tickets - 50/50 and lucky strike - usually $5,  we throw in as a team
Beer - usually around $10 to $15.

Right around $50  

Is this about what most of you guys/gals go through?  Help me out here folks,  im trying to win an argument.  lol



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Re: How much $ do you spend on league night?
« Reply #16 on: February 15, 2004, 05:20:15 PM »
Fees - $14 per week, but I pay the whole thing off the first night
Progressive Mystery - $1
Mystery - $2
50/50 - $2
Strike Ball - $2
Beer including tip - $4
Total:  $25

Fees - $14 per week, paid up on first night
Progressive Mystery - $1
Mystery - $2
Strike Ball - $1
50/50 - $5
Beer - FREEBIE (the husband of one teammie buys for the team every week)
Total:  $23

$48 per week for both leagues
White Dot
Ancient Chinese Proverb:  Man who stand on toilet high on pot.


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Re: How much $ do you spend on league night?
« Reply #17 on: February 15, 2004, 07:00:56 PM »
Yeah...24 team 5 man handicap league.  Cannot convince these people to go for brackets or sides

$10 league fee
$5 50/50
$5-10 for beer ($3.50 pitchers and if everyone buys one the night is just about over)

10 team doubles scratch league.  Sometimes there is a high game pot that is $5 for the night.  Usually only pays 6 a game and 12 for series.

$16 league fee
and thats it.

I try to keep it under $40 a week, sometimes I succeed, sometimes I don't.  Depends if I end up in the bar to play darts and ntn triva after league or not.

for a college student, it is probably a bit much per week for me esp since I have $400 in expenses enough outside of bowling and only make about $350 a

Rick Wunder

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Re: How much $ do you spend on league night?
« Reply #18 on: February 17, 2004, 01:52:27 PM »
Bowling - $20
No brackets for me - too many good bowlers
Total - $20

Bowling - $20
Brackets - $50
Mystery - $2
Team card game - $6
League card game - $3
Doubles - $2-$6, depending on how many partners I have
Total - $83-87
I generally walk out with more than I put in.

Bowling - $16
Brackets - $50
Handicap side pots - $5
Scratch pot - $10
League card game - $5
Handicap survivor - $5
Scratch eliminator - $5
Mystery - $1
Dinner at the bowling center - $6.50
Beer - ? (depends on who has a big night in the pots, etc.)
Total - $103.50+
I often walk out with more than I put in.

Every other Sunday (adult/child league):
Bowling (both myself and my son) - $20.50
Total - $20.50

Edited on 2/17/2004 2:49 PM

Edited on 2/17/2004 2:53 PM


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Re: How much $ do you spend on league night?
« Reply #19 on: February 17, 2004, 01:58:22 PM »
My mens league

bowling is 10
beer 5
50/50 5
strike pot 1
card game 3

so 24

Mixed league

Bowling is 19
card game for both 19
beers I don't even want to count
food  man who knows my wife and I sit there for hours with friends after we bowl
I just figured out something my mixed league costs way to much.
I don't really play cards and I am not 79, but it fits together somehow.

It's a 106 miles to Chicago. We've got a full tank of gas, half a pack of cigarettes, it's dark and we're wearing sunglasses.


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Re: How much $ do you spend on league night?
« Reply #20 on: February 17, 2004, 03:05:06 PM »
Depends on the night:

$19 - fees, pot game, card game (pretty small league)

$70 - fees, brackets, doubles, card game (usually take home $100 each week)

$30 - fees, pot game, doubles, 50/50, card game

$30 - fees, brackets, 50/50