Nollster, releases are like anything else, everyone has one and no one has one like some else. A good release could be described as one that is repeatable and consistant. A good one does not describe the power in the release. If your release is repeatable and consistant, you have alot of people beat with that. Me included.
Todays bowling equipement give us striking power. The release pays less of a role than it ever has.
Beond this, I surmize you are trying to develop a more powerfull release. In doing so there are just a few key points to try to attain that will provide additional power in your release. I will give you so lessor spoke of princibiles...
Draw a line through your bowling ball, dividing it in half directly between you fingers holes and thumb hole so that the finger holes are on the bottom and the thumb is at the top. If your hand was in the ball, your fingers would be below the line and you thumb above the line. Imagine this at the bottom of your swing as you thumb is clearing. This is surely a medium to strong relase and on that typical golves produce. At this point as the thumb is clearing the balls weight is being tranfered from the thumb to the fingers. This is now your opportunity to do what ever you want with the ball. Stay behind it and lift up the back of the ball...imparting front roll. Or you can rotate you fingers (leaving the thumb in that same position) any variuos amount depending on amount or shape of hook you desire.
Now taking the same mental image of the bowling ball with the bisecting line, if you were to move the thumb down onto or slightly below the line dividing the ball in half and using a cupped wrist to get under the ball with your fingers, you now have a powerfull position and can magnify the effects of the above options. However one more addition should be considered with the release (which is available to the above release but not done as much), that is as the thumb is clearing the base of the palm is pushing the ball forward and it appears that the wrist is collapsing. I term this relase, "rolling the ball off of the hand" which imparts more roll (and rotation if you rotate your fingers during this manuveor). This signficantly increases revolutions without applying bowler torq.
Let me know if this visualization is what you are looking for.
Getting all the pins I can. comming soon: