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Author Topic: How Much Equipment Is Too Much Equipment???  (Read 4260 times)


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How Much Equipment Is Too Much Equipment???
« on: April 29, 2004, 12:28:53 AM »
When it comes to bowling equipment, I feel sort of like a pack-rat.  Although I sell and trade a lot, I always seem to have around 6 to 20 balls in my possession at one time (currently have 11 drilled and 2 or 3 undrilled).  Its not that I dislike any of the equipment (otherwise I would have sold/traded it long ago), but realistically I only use the equipment in some practice sessions, a few leagues, and a couple of tournaments.  And most of the time (unless extreme conditions are met), I use the same equipment.  With this relatively small amount of bowling I do (by no means do I throw the huge number of games of pro's or regional players - probably 10 to 15 games a week), I always wonder why I keep some much equipment around.  I'm not sure I have never "worn-out" a ball before, never throwing more than 50 - 60 games with any ball.  Now that I'm thinking about it, by the time I get tired of a ball and move on to something else I have drilled, there most definitely will be a new release that I would rather own.  So my question is, how many balls at any one time should any non-professional bowler have?  Maybe 5 or 6 to cover just about any condition a person would run into?  How many balls does everyone out there own?  Of those, how many do you throw on a regular basis?  Can a person have too much equipment?
No interesting thoughts to post today....  still upset with the choices made in the NFL draft



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Re: How Much Equipment Is Too Much Equipment???
« Reply #16 on: April 30, 2004, 01:17:35 PM »
haha..I love it... compared to some, I don't seem bad at all... the worst thing for me is once I do finally get rid of one, I nearly always say to myself... boy, I wish I still had that ball!


Alright.. ESPN has conformed what we have thought all along...  Bowling is a low degree of difficulty sport, requiring little to no athleticism.  On the bright side, we did beat out shooting, billards and fishing!


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Re: How Much Equipment Is Too Much Equipment???
« Reply #17 on: April 30, 2004, 01:19:42 PM »
There is no such thing as too much equipment if you can afford it.


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Re: How Much Equipment Is Too Much Equipment???
« Reply #18 on: April 30, 2004, 02:47:26 PM »
LuckyLefty - you win. I thought I had a lot, but your count is more than double mine. Not much more, but more...

Now - I forgot to ask - are we including those balls "retired with honor" that sit on the shelf never to be thrown again? Or are we talking only those still "alive and kicking"???
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Re: How Much Equipment Is Too Much Equipment???
« Reply #19 on: April 30, 2004, 03:25:16 PM »
My Mom is coming to visit I love her dearly, and she's older and in a wheelchair.

I need to rent a ramp and the smallest grade is in my garage.  Right where the 52 balls and various assorted filing cabinents, drill press(my little pro shop).

Various old utilities.

To get my MOM in I think I'm may have to sell some balls.

Mom, about that visit.........
you know there is always next year.......


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Re: How Much Equipment Is Too Much Equipment???
« Reply #20 on: April 30, 2004, 03:48:38 PM »
When read this thread and realize that the posters here got most of the balls they are talking about from you!! (LOL)

  But seriously, when you have so many balls that you can't figure out which ones to throw, you have too many.  Or when you buy a new ball just because you saw it and had that much money in your paypal account and hated to just let it sit there, so you went ahead and bought the ball with it.  Not that you needed the ball for anything, just because it was the right price!(Just did this myself)

  Right now, I have 7 that I am fluctuating between and use them all at times, and about 14 in the closet that don't get used anymore.

  Last year I GAVE 40-45 balls to the junior program and used it as a tax deduction (charity), on top of the 15-20 that I sold on here and around the center I bowl in.

P.S.  And I only bowl 3-6 games a week in league and don't hardly practice anymore.
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