USBC membership has been going down for many years and it appears that USBC has no remedy for it.
A bowler that bowls in 5 leagues per week is only counted as one USBC bowler. I know the center will count him/her as 5, as they should. But, when one of these bowlers drops out, due to illness, lost of job, etc. the center sees a lost of 5 bowlers while USBC sees only 1.
My point is, as USBC membership goes down, the centers are taking even bigger hits assuming that most members bowl in 2 leagues or more. The other issue is that all local centers are competing for the same bowlers, ie easy shots. Most bowlers will bowl where they can average 240 instead of 200.
I do not see bowling getting better in the near future. USBC seems to recycle its leadership every few years and reuse old ideas. I remember when Ebonite purchased Bowlers Map and told every Pro Shop to invest in coaching. USBC jumped on the band wagon and said "Coaching" will save bowling by making everyone a better bowler therefore making them want to bowl in more leagues. We can all see that really worked.
Like most of you, I do not have the answer. My only thought is to have USBC clean house and bring in new and younger leaders. They may have better ways to communicate with our younger and novice bowlers. Its obvious, that the current USBC leader have no idea !