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Author Topic: how much will changing the weight of the ball affect my game  (Read 13173 times)


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how much will changing the weight of the ball affect my game
« on: October 05, 2013, 08:46:57 AM »
I have been thinking of dropping a pound on the ball i throw I currently throw a 16lbs considering going to a 15 due to some shoulder issues i have going on right now


St. Croix

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Re: how much will changing the weight of the ball affect my game
« Reply #1 on: October 05, 2013, 10:10:34 AM »
Make the move especially if you have potential shoulder problems. This year, I went from several 16 pound balls to a couple of 15 pounders. Without getting too specific, the 15 pound balls were "better quality" than the heavier balls. But my average is up a 3-5 pins.

I dropped the weight simple because I did not feel comfortable at the heavier weight. Also, I probably have a bit more control at 15 pounds.

I doubt that you will regret the move. Good luck.
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Re: how much will changing the weight of the ball affect my game
« Reply #2 on: October 05, 2013, 10:44:12 AM »
You won't regret it! I changed last year from 15lb to 14lb and the first month I wanted to throw it through the back of the pinsetter, but my speed adjusted once I got use to the weight. I had a ton of honor score when everybody said I'd love my carry. I proud them wrong by drilling a 12lb Brunswick Wicked Seige that I had drilled for a senior lady. I was practicing with it and some of the guys said how well the ball rolled and carried. I shot 289 and they commented more and asked what I was using. I told them a 12lb Wicked Seige and they laughed and said no way, until I handed it to them. I drilled the ball for a friend that had open heart surgery and wanted to help him get back bowling. The doctor told him to drop ball weight and I told him I had the perfect ball for him. Just be patient and let the ball roll and do the work! Just my $.02, Bruce
Bruce Campbell
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Re: how much will changing the weight of the ball affect my game
« Reply #3 on: October 05, 2013, 11:10:40 AM »
Once you go below 14 the core changes doesnt it?


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Re: how much will changing the weight of the ball affect my game
« Reply #4 on: October 05, 2013, 11:24:26 AM »
Not having a lot of speed with low revs and not much hand, I had no problems when I dropped from 15 to 14 lbs. Didn't hurt my average or timing at all and at times for what ever reason unknown to me the 14# seemed to carry the 10 pin better, but left a few 7's that I hadn't previously had a problem with.
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Re: how much will changing the weight of the ball affect my game
« Reply #5 on: October 05, 2013, 11:32:11 AM »
Yes the core does change on most equipment when you drop below 14lb, but it's still asymmetric on the Wicked. You still get the same cover and the 12lb actually went further, but cornered harder. I had guys throw the ball and they couldn't believe how hard the ball turned the corner. Needless to say when I dropped to 14lb I had a lot of guys drop ball weight and they said they're not sore when they bowl and could bowl more. Just my $.02, Bruce
Bruce Campbell
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Re: how much will changing the weight of the ball affect my game
« Reply #6 on: October 05, 2013, 11:40:22 AM »
Once you go below 14 the core changes doesnt it?

I have done a lot of research the past 2-3 days on 12# balls and the answer to your question is ... YES ... Brunswick and DV8 put what they call "performance cores" in the 12# balls. In the premier line, I think Storm uses the same shape but less dense core. The RG's in all 3 companies are higher in 12# balls with the differentials being less. So far Lane 1 has failed to respond to my question about their 12# balls which isn't surprising since their customer service is not good any more compared to what it once was.

With my being 76 1/2 with recent health problems and undergoing some back surgery Monday, my Dr. told me I would have to drop to 12# at least for awhile and possibily more depending how my back responds and holds up, thus the reason I did and am stilling doing research in different companies.

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Re: how much will changing the weight of the ball affect my game
« Reply #7 on: October 05, 2013, 11:44:09 AM »
Yes the core does change on most equipment when you drop below 14lb, but it's still asymmetric on the Wicked. You still get the same cover and the 12lb actually went further, but cornered harder. I had guys throw the ball and they couldn't believe how hard the ball turned the corner. Needless to say when I dropped to 14lb I had a lot of guys drop ball weight and they said they're not sore when they bowl and could bowl more. Just my $.02, Bruce

I believe the reason the ball went longer is because of the high RG in the 12# balls.
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Re: how much will changing the weight of the ball affect my game
« Reply #8 on: October 05, 2013, 12:53:29 PM »
It also had more back end and I had to stand deeper with the 12lb ball. I also drilled a MoRich 13lb ball to test and shot 286 cause of operator error. Yes the higher rg does get the ball down the lane further, but it also save more for the break point. The only time it has trouble with carry is keeping it in the oil to long. Not saying to drop that far in weight, I wanted to prove to others that ball weight makes a difference in some areas. When I want to have fun, I get out the 12lb ball to hook the lane and just see the look on peoples face when they pick the ball up. Just my $.02, Bruce
Plus, just think if the lanes are drier you can throw the lighter ball with a lot more speed!
Bruce Campbell
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Re: how much will changing the weight of the ball affect my game
« Reply #9 on: October 05, 2013, 01:17:21 PM »
Here is the obvious thing that everyone is missing...

If 16# is causing you shoulder issues or aggravating a shoulder injury you have 3 choices-

--Continue bowling in pain with 16# and likely do more damage.  IMHO, worst choice...

--Stop bowling all together... Not a very popular option either, but at least the shoulder should not degrade further as fast.

--Drop to 15# or 14#.  You'll still be bowling and there is very little, if any, advantage to using 16# equipment in the modern game.  For every pound in ball weight you drop, you put 5 times (If I recall correctly) less force on your shoulder while in motion.

Try a lighter ball... just remember that you will have to adjust your game.  If that's too much to handle, well, there is always option #2


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Re: how much will changing the weight of the ball affect my game
« Reply #10 on: October 05, 2013, 01:46:57 PM »
It also had more back end and I had to stand deeper with the 12lb ball. I also drilled a MoRich 13lb ball to test and shot 286 cause of operator error. Yes the higher rg does get the ball down the lane further, but it also save more for the break point. The only time it has trouble with carry is keeping it in the oil to long. Not saying to drop that far in weight, I wanted to prove to others that ball weight makes a difference in some areas. When I want to have fun, I get out the 12lb ball to hook the lane and just see the look on peoples face when they pick the ball up. Just my $.02, Bruce
Plus, just think if the lanes are drier you can throw the lighter ball with a lot more speed!

Batbowler, I am not a drilling guru by any means, but if you put a low pin drilling on the high RG 12# balls, wouldn't that help cut the length a bit?

After talking to people about 12# balls, I am now exicited to get 6-8 weeks past my surgery so that I can try one. One person told of a customer of his carrying a 220 average with a 12# ball.

One of my worries though is that I have slower 14 mph speed and low revs and the ball might deflect more and not carry as well as it would if I was throwing 17-18 mph or carry as well as a 14# at 14 mph, etc.

Storm recommends staying in the premier line and relying on the coverstock. Brunswick and DV8 use a 'performance core' in their 12# balls and recommend getting the ball that matches your game and conditions.
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Re: how much will changing the weight of the ball affect my game
« Reply #11 on: October 05, 2013, 02:50:53 PM »
I dropped to 15# a couple of years ago b/c of shoulder problems.  The only thing I have noticed is that I throw the ball a tad bit harder-didn't see any increase in revolutions.  If you are bowling in pain--unless you are bowling for your living, I say drop in weight.  No since leaving the bowling center in agony. 
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Re: how much will changing the weight of the ball affect my game
« Reply #12 on: October 05, 2013, 03:54:47 PM »
(This is a repeat of what I posted on another web site on the same subject.)

I went from 16 to 15 to 14 over a number of years and I noticed a few concerns.
- Since I like a very tight thumb hole, as I went to lighter balls, it was harder to get the weight of the ball to pull the ball off my thumb. So I had to be more precise with tape and fitting the thumb hole and a little more conscious of what I was doing.
- Since the RG and differential can vary widely as you change weights, I had to modify some of my drilling concepts (mostly the Drill & VAL angles)of different balls.
- Since I went with lighter balls, my ball speed and rev rate increases and I had to use both different drillings and different surfaces (more) . I'm also using stronger balls with the lighter weights, which is one positive benefit.
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Re: how much will changing the weight of the ball affect my game
« Reply #13 on: October 05, 2013, 11:00:50 PM »
what I have seen so far is a drop in weight of one pound = 1 to 1 12/mph


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Re: how much will changing the weight of the ball affect my game
« Reply #14 on: October 07, 2013, 03:58:06 PM »
Allow me to introduce myself new to the forum, my respective forum users.  I am bowling at a 183 average in a local alley somewhere in southern Minnesota. 

How much weight can either help or hurt your game, St. Croix (the original topic beginner).  In fact, I have bowled all the way to 16 lbs until I had a shoulder sprain which took me a long time to recover.  I dropped down to 13 lbs until my shoulder regained most strength.  I bumped up to 14 lbs 2 years ago--my game improved 20-25 pins per outing.  Until recently, my speed and rev started to get stronger--time to bump up 15 lbs ball.  I noticed I have better speed and rev rate control--knocking more pins than what I have done with 14 lbs ball. 
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