I like this topic, very thought provoking question.
With the exception of my oiler and dirt balls, I will try numerous surface preps to determine the reaction I like best. I try to setup the surface to handle and react the way I want it to on THS. When I head to tournaments, I usually change the surface some. It just depends.
I have found some balls work better dull for me than polished. I have also found that even with the same ball, different drills warrant different surface prep.
I've had 3 werewolfs
1. CG axis, pin under bridge--dull-hit like a wet fart, high gloss awesome
2. pin above bridge, cg palm--dull-hit okay, even reaction, high gloss was better
3. pin under ring, cg kicked out--1000 grit dull works best.
You never know what the best reaction for you is unless you fool around with the coverstock.
Wanna review my balls