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Author Topic: How receptive are you to advice given from others?  (Read 1412 times)


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How receptive are you to advice given from others?
« on: February 08, 2005, 05:11:39 AM »
For instance, you're practicing or bowling league and someone suggests you should throw your ball differently.  How do you react?  What's your thought process before considering the advice?  Do you feel it's improper for someone (mainly down and in bowler) to offer/give advice as to how you should throw your ball (i.e. you're style differs a great deal)? vice versa?

Another question... how many of you ignore comments from another bowler with a lower avg. than yours?  Do you feel as though you're "above" criticism from a lower avg. bowler?

I've often said there's a thin line between confidence and conceit.  Honestly answering, which do you classify yourself?

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Re: How receptive are you to advice given from others?
« Reply #1 on: February 08, 2005, 01:34:29 PM »
it depends on who is giving the advice whether i choose to hear it and use it.

i will never apply advice during league unless it is from a few select people.

average means nothing for advice: i gave some advice to a guy averaging 195 when i was booking 162 last season. he was turning his foot in badly on his strike ball, and throwing somewhat off-balance. he would step totally sideways after release. he kinda shrugged it off, but the next week he came up to me and said, "man i thought about what you said, and had my wife watch me and help me correct that." he increased to a 202 average, and told me after the season that he had never averaged over 200 before, and how much better his strike percentage had become.

it doesn't really matter who gave you the advice, its whether it is good, useful advice.
i don't care who makes it, how much it costs, or how sexy the ball looks. can i carry the 7 and level the deck with a $60 ball?

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Re: How receptive are you to advice given from others?
« Reply #2 on: February 08, 2005, 01:36:04 PM »
I only offer advice if it is asked for, and then it is usually based on my what my coach has told me.

As far as receiving advice, it depends on who is giving the advice and how it is presented.  If it is someone I do not know and who has never seen me bowl before, I tend to ignore their advice.  If it is a person I know and respect for their knowledge of the game, I listen.  If they also are familiar with my style, that is an added bonus.

I do tend to ask for clarification by saying what my coach has told me to work on and try to fit what they are saying into the picture.

I do not handle well someone just ripping apart my game.  For example, we had a sub one night and I was struggling.  I made the mistake of joking it was going to be another 160 night.  After having seen me bowl a game and a half, he felt it was okay to say I rolled a deadball and was lucky to be carrying what I was.  He went on to say I needed to watch him and bowl just like he did.  I basically told him I had a coach.  He continued on and I told him I didn't want to hear what he had to say at which he got ticked off.  I kept my distance the rest of the night.
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Re: How receptive are you to advice given from others?
« Reply #3 on: February 08, 2005, 01:36:59 PM »
I don’t give unsolicited advice and unless it comes from someone who knows my game and I respect, I don’t take unsolicited advice.

As far as lower averages go, you don’t have to be able to perform in order to teach. But without a reputation of excellence I would listen with a suspect ear.

I would call it confidence in my own knowledge and ability to analyze my game but some might call it conceit.  


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Re: How receptive are you to advice given from others?
« Reply #4 on: February 08, 2005, 01:48:28 PM »
depends whos giving advice, and what I am working on if I am practicing. I hate when I am practicing something and people go "man, you couldnt get a strike to save your life", and I am practicing, say 10 pins. I know they mean well but gosh! If its from a person I respect, and I know that they know what they are talking about, I take it into consideration. If its just another little kid in my league, I USUALLY just say "ok thank you", and dont really pay mind to it, unless it makes sense to me that they may be right.
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Re: How receptive are you to advice given from others?
« Reply #5 on: February 08, 2005, 01:54:03 PM »
It depends on my mood.  Usually, there's only 2 or 3 people I'll listen to while I'm bowling league or tournaments.  They are all people I've been bowling with for over 4 years, so we know each other's game.

On the other hand, if I'm practicing and someone offers advice, I'll try it.  I figure the worst that happens is it doesn't work.


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Re: How receptive are you to advice given from others?
« Reply #6 on: February 08, 2005, 02:22:03 PM »
I'm a bit hardheaded when it comes to taking advice, I need to see it work for myself before I'll admit anything is wrong .

I do listen though, especially to the proshop guy, he always seems to come up with little gems of wisdom .

I used to listen to my EX-coach aswell, until I figured out that he was working in the exact other direction that I wanted to go :/

I did take a piece of advice to heart that I got this weekend though. Some random person at a tourney told me I needed some speed to stop my balls overreacting. I didn't change anything at the time and my score reflected that (very low, even for me). Thinking about it over the last couple of days, I realised it has been missing from my game since I hurt my back earlier this year. So I tried it today in practice, shooting the best 3 game set since before I hurt my back.

I guess advice can come from anyone, just make sure you test it before applying it during league (unless you trust the person of course), and I'll be sure to thank the guy when I see him if this improvement is permanent


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Re: How receptive are you to advice given from others?
« Reply #7 on: February 08, 2005, 08:20:43 PM »
Depends how I am bowling at the time. If I'm bowling bad and can't figure what I'm doing wrong, I'll listen, but if I'm bowling good and don't want any advice, I don't listen. (Turn my hearing aid off if I have
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Re: How receptive are you to advice given from others?
« Reply #8 on: February 08, 2005, 11:07:10 PM »
It depends, I'll usually try something once.  I've been bowling bad for the last 8 months after taking about a year off.  A buddy of mine told me that I needed to slow down and that I didn't have a smooth swing or follow through.  So I worked on that and finally got my first 600 of the year last week.  Hopefully it's not too late to get my average back up to 200.

On the opposite end of the spectrum, someone told me to try an inside line (I usually bowl down and in), so I tried it wound up shooting a couple of 190's but I still wasn't throwing it well and got really lucky.  Now he keeps telling me every week to try moving inside just because I scored well that one time.  He doesn't want to understand that I've shot 190's throwing bad with my normal shot too.


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Re: How receptive are you to advice given from others?
« Reply #9 on: February 09, 2005, 12:41:31 AM »
My dad, my nationals doubles partner, my local doubles partner, and one guy Ive bowled with off and on for 6 years are the only people I listen to.

Throwing NOTHUMB, its tough to have someone give practical advice relating to my game because alot of things are so different.

With my dad, it is solely the physical side of my game---he has seen me bowl NOTHUMB for over 10 years now. If something looks off, he will know.

My nationals doubles partner is very aware of what the right line to play is and can give me a heads up---and I will listen to him because he knows what he's talking about.

My local doubles partner and I have discussions about the mental side of the game all the time. Then I can trust his judgement on a line adjustment even if I might not have thought about it.

My on and off teammate has a very keen sense of what ball to throw at what time. He is excellent at knowing other peoples arsenal and knowing what will work on a shot---now if he could just learn his own.

I will listen---but BSer's are called out instantly. People that think they know everything piss me off and I wont waste my time---because usually they dont.
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