General Category => Miscellaneous => Topic started by: thfonz98 on November 29, 2004, 11:16:16 AM
i recently bought a used super charge..just wanted to try it out.
gave it to my ball driller guy...this week i go back for my drilling appointment he says it out of round and cant get the slug out( i guess because of the out of round?), he tried to get it out by hand but i cant really use it and i dont fell like just leaving it "on the rack".
i soaked it in dawn and hot water to try to get the orange smell back(didnt work just phased the coverstock) and use the scent for a closet freshener but it isnt nearly as strong as by P.O.S. xfactor
so what should i do:
1) (dont know if it would really work)freeze it in my freezer for a day or more and do something with it(like spike it in the middle of the street like a football player)
2) can i cut through it witha hacksaw or a chopsaw(my friend has one to use on his modified extreme series latemodel dirt-track racing car)
3) plant it in the front/back yard
4) submit your own
i plan on documenting for you all and maybe add a little production value to it(a la the grizz) has no real use to me now but to take up space and i dont have anyone who i hate enough to launch it through their car window. I dont want to show guys what too much heat in the oven does also(i dont want to burn down the house)
btw..yes i am bored
"Joey . . . have you ever seen a grown man naked?"-Captain Clarence Oveur
Edited on 11/29/2004 8:21 PM
drill open a hole and load it with fireworks and watch it explode.
- Andy
drill it and use as a boat anchor
hold my hammer, while i NAIL your girlfriend.
anyone want a colorful boat anchor? pay for shipping!
pm me
was told it has a flat spot on the back side(near the serial)..just by "eyeballing it" i can t see it
"Joey . . . have you ever seen a grown man naked?"-Captain Clarence Oveur
Edited on 11/29/2004 8:35 PM
Take it to the gun range and pump some rounds into it till it cracks open like an egg. I use a Taurus 44mag on bowling pins and it cracks them in about 6 rounds depending on temperature. You could also try a rifle. Should be fun.
Too much split not enough banana.
ruined my fun..he bought it for shipping
(now my jungle green predator, only got about 350 games, grips falling out, thumb slug slips about 1/2 way out, the surface feels like sand paper,600grit surface)
"Joey . . . have you ever seen a grown man naked?"-Captain Clarence Oveur
I've got a gold angle that I think I might try to do something fun with this weekend... thinking about going to ohio and buy some fireworks and have some fun with it... or fill it with gunpowder, whatever it is, should be fun!
I want you to blow a hole in it with lets say 30-06, or 300 win mag or 308 or 7mm something of that nature, thats if you can't get your hands on M-80s there hard to find.
my house doesnt do that......darn amf...i had an adrenaline get a inch long .5 inch wide .25 inch deep gouge just to the right of the thumb and part of the thumb slug by hitting a nail or screw that was protruding from the edge of the lane in the right gutter during was on the last lane of the house and the ball FLEW through the employee door..i had to go get it and finish the night as it was the only ball i had at the time. They just plugged the gouge and didnt replace the ball because it wasnt a new ball.
btw another person had a s tload of scratch/gouges in his track(from that night) and they didnt replace his either.
"Joey . . . have you ever seen a grown man naked?"-Captain Clarence Oveur
Launch it!
Last season, somebody posted a link to some pictures of a guy and his homemade bowling ball cannon. What a riot! LOL! Anybody remember that? Sure would be cool to see it again.......
Burn it, they make a bubbling noise and burn forever. I had an old ball that cracked so I went out and tried to split it in half(did'nt work) so I lit one of the chuncks and it burned for ever and ever and ever. LOL with a Storm ball it may be like a candle because of the scent of the ball.
I can hear the voice
But I don't want to listen
Strap me down and tell me
I'll be alright
I can feel the subliminal need
To be one with the voice
And make everything alright
I had a gold rhino pro that cracked all the way around. I chisled it for like 3 weeks until I got the core out. It looked neat, had grip holes in it, and still had some of the filler too. I used the claw side of a hammer and it took forever.
I burned a ball that was killed in a ball return accident. It had a 1/8" groove about 1/6" deep cut around the entire circumference of the ball about 8 or 10 times. I took the ball home, lit the funeral pyre and tossed the ball in. The inky cloak of jet black smoke was certainly visible for miles. And as previously mentioned, they burn for hours of your viewing pleasure.
Seeing what an axe can do to a ball might be interesting also. Just be carful the blade doesn't slip off the ball and take your leg off.
Proud owner of a 1046/4 series courtesy of Columbia 300.
None are more hopelessly enslaved, as those who falsely believe they are free....
I use then for target practice, .40 cal Beretta automatic, like watching them explode at impact.
Tha Fluffer, I wonder what would have happened if you had froze the ball first then burned it. The core and coverstock would expand and contract at different rates, might have given you more of what you wanted.
Tekneek, I have often wondered what would happen if you shot one with a .454 Cassull? I know they will crack a cinder block wall, would love to see one let loose on a bowling ball. Might try it on one of mine if things don't change!!
(like spike it in the middle of the street like a football player)
bowling balls can and will bounce...don't take it in the teeth, eh?
back in the day when beer cans had beer tabs, we carved out a trough along the ball track (full roller) and slowly used plug compound to mount the sharp ends of the tabs about an 1/8" protruding from the ball. Voila! Snow Tires!
It is by Caffeine alone that I set my mind in motion. It is by the beans of Java that my thoughts acquire speed. The hands acquire shakes, the shakes become a warning. It is by Caffeine alone that I set my mind in motion.
Hollow out the inside, stuff it full of explosives, and ship it to Osama.

Keep your balls on the lane and your mind in the gutter!
I heard a horror story about an idiot that wanted to get the oil out of his ball and, instead of baking it in an oven, he put it in a microwave !!! Needless to say, neither the ball nor the appliance survived this lunacy ... I would have LOVED to have seen a clip of THAT !!!
Got a spare microwave and a pair of binoculars ??? LMAO !!!
Robb in 1000 Oaks
"bowling balls can and will bounce...don't take it in the teeth, eh?"
This is indeed true. I have seen them first hand being slammed into a concrete floor and bounce back well over 5'. That was done 3x and the ball is still in use today. I have also witnessed one being tossed off the roof of the bowling center into the parking lot, that didn't break it either.
i do have an old microwave in the garage....i looked at it and i dont think the predator will fit in it.
"Joey . . . have you ever seen a grown man naked?"-Captain Clarence Oveur
Three thoughts:
I never destroy them - I just drop them off a bridge. They make quite a nice splash (actually two - one as it hits the surface then another as the water closes up behind it.)
I've heard of one guy who took his Grenade, that had just "cost" him a tournament, and, by hand, dragged it down the freeway at 75 MPH. (a major fry)
Or, and I want to try this someday, collect 5 of them, using ball plug place an eye-bolt in the thumb, and make a giant executive toy of them. Hang them from a log, supported by a log frame, so they swing back and forth hitting one another. Should really annoy the neighbors.
"A little sincerity is a dangerous thing, and a great deal of it is absolutely fatal." Oscar Wilde
Ragnar sure likes to throw his purdy Uranium Buzzsaw.
They're actually pretty tough to break. The guy who dragged his grenade down the freeway started by dribbling it in a gravel parking lot; then came the trip down the freeway; then they stopped and threw it down a cliff. After the fourth retrieval and toss down it finally split. If I wanted to split one I think I'd put it in the oven and get it up to at least 150 then toss it into a snowbank - that should do something interesting.
"A little sincerity is a dangerous thing, and a great deal of it is absolutely fatal." Oscar Wilde
Ragnar sure likes to throw his purdy Uranium Buzzsaw.
Just get a boombox, throw on Peter Gabriel - Sledgehammer and get to work

"Smokey this is not 'Nam this is bowling, there are rules"
"Maybe those Ebonite balls hit too hard. They're too good" -Jason Couch after leaving a stone 8 pin
"Yeah but the Brunswick ones get all ten though" -Brad Angelo
Lol nope. I dont care what you do with it, as long as its really cool, and you video tape it and put it up to show us!
16 years and still going strong! 16 years old that is!
The names Warrior Princess, Xena..Warrior Princess
And why would I "saw" pins in half, THATS A WASTE OF PINS!
it may not happen for about a month or so but I WILL DO SOMETHING..just gathering ideas
"Joey . . . have you ever seen a grown man naked?"-Captain Clarence Oveur