We officially have a new governing body, and hopefully some new ideas to go along with it. Back in the day, if someone shot an honor score, the ABC would come out and inspect the lanes, yada yada yada, and either approve the score, or if the lane conditions, or the ball, were deemed illegal, deny the award.
Well, bowlers were shooting "honor" scores on lanes that were ridiculously illegal, being denied, and instead of complaining to the management of the bowling center for putting out an illegal shot, they complained to the ABC stating that it wasn't their fault that conditions were illegal and they should get the award anyways. The bowlers basically said if they couldn't get awards, then they wouldn't pay to be sanctioned. So the ABC said if this is what our members want, we will no longer deny honor scores based on lane conditions.
The best example I can think of is Glenn Alison. Personally, I think this was the best decision the ABC ever made. Yes, he is a greatly talented bowler, who threw 36 terrific shots, BUT he shot the score on illegal lane conditions. Yet, I hear the same people complaining about how easy lane conditions are, saying that Mr. Alison should have gotten credit for the score.
So what do YOU want? If you shoot an honor score and it got denied due to illegal conditions, who would you complain to?
(I know the post is a little long, thanks for reading)
The clock on the wall says 3 O'Clock...last call...for Alcohol!
"I love a martini -- but two at the most. Three I’m under the table; Four, I’m under the host." Dorothy Parker