I'm generally not too superstitious, but I'm a firm believer in when I'm bowling, phones SHOULD BE OFF!! That's probably my biggest superstition is taking calls (esp. from the better half) while bowling can cause a break in concentration and a fall in the scores...
I think it bit me in the butt the other night.
I was out open bowling with a few buddies of mine, I have Strike, Spare, 4 strikes in a row. 3 of the 4 were trip-6's which i hardly EVER get. anyhow, the fiance calls.
Next three shots, ALL DEAD in the pocket
Solid 9
Solid 8
Solid 7
I think I shot 236 that game, when in all rights I should have been taking a 280 into the 10th frame

and yes, I DID get tapped on that 7 pin!!
Carry the 8. be a good lefty.