Once people start to understand that competitive bowling is a thing of the past for the sport in general, the better. As has been hashed and re-hashed on this site countless times, this is not the same sport from 40 years ago. In those days scores of bowlers participated in 2 or mores leagues a week as it was about the only thing to do during the winter months. Nowadays, people have too many choices for relaxation fun, to choose from. The game has over 50% less bowlers than in those days. From my experience bowling in both eras, today bowlers want their one or two nights bowling to be competitive, but also something they can enjoy and look forward to. That being said, the house shot is their choice. Most leagues have only a handful of bowlers who could score moderately well on tougher shots and who would like that challenge every week. The rest are comfortable with what they presently have. Despite what some say on here, the majority of those who carry high averages on a THS, know the reason for it. The ones who don't wouldn't get it no matter how you show them. Let's keep the game from deteriorating more than it already has and not try changing those who are happy with what they have. It's unfortunate but the guys who want to be challenged are stuck with that or it's left up to them to find a sport league.