Those who debase the orbs by engaging in thumbless spinning have been tempted by the evil one, STONESEVEN, to replace the smoothness and reverence that Clyde seeks in true believers with mere evil power. They can be provided with some worldly success, but since STONESEVEN's satanic powers do not allow him to create the annointed, they are refused entry to the circle of 64 and ultimately banished to the gutter for all eternity. Occasionally, you see them trying to get out of the gutter, but their efforts only result in whatever orb is in the gutter being flung out.
I have, on occasion, been called in to exorcise these demons. Occasionally they take over the bodies of young, unsuspecting bowlers, bowlers who breath fire if you try to teach them the errors of their ways. It is a mighty struggle we believers and followers of Clyde and Humbaba are in, against the forces of STONESEVEN, but, tho we may not individually survive our tests, we know we are helping all bowlers reach to the glorious light of Clyde and Humbaba.
"I don't mind if you don't like my manners. I don't like them myself. They're pretty bad. I grieve over them on long winter evenings."
Edited on 12/4/2003 6:01 PM