I know nothing about golf; so I can't blame anyone for the millions of wasted acres of grass and all the chemicals that have been used to maintain them.
I don't "blame" technology; I blame sociology (society) for not being able to keep up with technology. I do think (this is, after all, an opinion thread, not an evidence thread.) resin balls and their cores convinced a lot of mediocre bowlers they could score with the pros. Many believed they could make good money by turning leagues into gambling processes for their own profit. This I have seen. Many have quit just because there are not enough teams to provide them with significant earnings for their one night a week, if they finished in first place. This is not opinion; this, I have seen.
Many of the better bowlers have quit, not because of there are now many other things to do, not because bowling has gotten too expensive, not because tons of centers have closed because every other use for that property is more profitable than bowling for the owners. But because there were many mediocre bowlers coring as well or better than the previous skilled generation. Now, dedication and training and time spent practicing meant almost nothing. This, I have seen in person. This I know to be true.
Despite all this, I feel (I do not know!!!) that sanctioned league membership would be higher than it is now,without reactive resin. I think it will ever be as high as it was before. There are other sociological pressures which reduced the number of the membership before resin and even more after resin. That is my opinion; it is probably not a fact.
There is probably a hard core base of people who will always be looking for a league somewhere, no matter how many more centers close. No matter how Bowlmor tries to destroy leagues. What that base is, who knows?