Of course everything I will say is my opinion and not that of any sponsor.

I believe two handed bowling is an outgrowth of the current technology. I do not believe that style would work with pancake core balls, rubber and plastic coverstocks, wood lanes, using old conditioner, old stripping methods.
Whether these two handers will still be able to bowl when they are 50 to 60 and getting stiff remains to be seen, but they are currently shining bright on the national scene.
Time marches on and I don’t believe we could go back to the old conditions. The cat is out of the bag.
You can’t argue that bowling was much more popular when rubber and plastic balls were the norm. At that time you had to keep your speed down on most conditions or you got no reaction at all. There were bowlers around here at that time who could slow hook the lane but it was nearly impossible to get a consistent reaction. Certain fundamentals were needed to score well and most bowlers physically could do those fundamentals.
I don’t believe even when I was 16 I had the flexibility to do what they do as two handers.
Voss was a great bowler and champion. I don’t think he is bitter so much as he loves the game, he has seen its participation drop 75%, and feels that the current scoring environment is a major factor in that decline.
Personally I believe bowling at that time was somewhat a fad, had reached its pinnacle, and changing culture in America has driven down participation more than the scoring environment or two handers.