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Author Topic: How to get all 12?  (Read 1286 times)

Gene J Kanak

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How to get all 12?
« on: December 22, 2003, 07:16:14 PM »
Hey everyone,

Over the past couple of years I've had the first nine in a row quite a few times. Unfortunately, each of those strings was stopped on the 10th ball, but usually on a decent shot. Last night I finally got the monkey off my back and buried the 10th ball. But, as many of you probably could have guessed, I failed to give the 11th ball enough speed to get it to my target line and came through the nose, leaving a 3-6-9-10. Although I admit that anything less than all 12 would have been somewhat disappointing after getting so close, I would have felt much better had I thrown a good shot and just not carried. But putting that aside, my questions is this: do any of you do anything special when you get into the 10th frame? What I mean is, do you go through any special routine to try to stay calm or do you tell yourself something like, 'just don't miss inside', or anything like that? I'm just wondering because, looking back, I think that maybe I would have been better of moving just a touch deeper for the 11th shot, as I know that the tendency to pull the ball or throw it softer is quite common. I'm just curious to see what some of you do, if anything, in those situations. I know that I just need to grow a set and throw the damn ball, because there was no excuse for missing the way I did. Oh well, it's only taken my 24 years to get to the first 10! Damn I hope it doesn't take 24 more before I get 11 and another 24 before I finally get them all. Throwing a 300 when you're 72 would be an accomplishment, but after waiting all those years I think that I'd probably die of a heart attack when it finally happened!
Bowling is without a doubt the dumbest, most pointless, most idiotic excuse for a game that has ever been invented. So, what time are we bowling tomorrow?



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Re: How to get all 12?
« Reply #1 on: December 23, 2003, 10:24:09 AM »
I’m just the opposite.  I have the tendency to speed the ball up.  When I need a clutch strike, I tighten the line up 1 board to compensate.  Of course, if you check my stats, I haven’t been all that successful with that tactic either.
~~~SrK - Have balls, will travel

Old bowlers never die, we just don't score as often
Have Balls - Will Travel

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Re: How to get all 12?
« Reply #2 on: December 23, 2003, 10:24:57 AM »
A lot of it for me was just getting there enough that eventually the pressure eased enough to get it.

But a few things.

The old cliché one shot at a time is valid, you can’t throw a 3 bagger with just one ball keep focused on the one shot.

Breathe deeply, this will help you relax and take some of the wobble out of your legs.

When starting the tenth, think in terms of only needing to punch out in the 10th.  The front 9 are behind you the only shots that matter are the next 3 and you have thrown 3 in the 10th hundreds of times.

I don’t like to make adjustments unless the lane is dictating it. Moving because you thing you might throw it slow or pull it is putting negative thoughts in you mind and word against you. Have positive thoughts. I try to replicate the feel of my last really good shot.


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Re: How to get all 12?
« Reply #3 on: December 23, 2003, 10:26:49 AM »
What I've found that does work to an extent, depending on your own nerves and excitement level is;

Take a huge couple of deep breaths when you're on the approach, this way you can either focus on your target for a few seconds longer or try and shake off the bugs.  For me it worked both ways.

Don't think about the 300 at all, think about winning the game if you need to do it, or think about sexy women, anything to keep your mind from freaking out over the streak.

Don't analyze your shots, approaches, or deliveries at this time, if you make yourself paranoid about your style you will probably blow it.

The last thing I can offer you is, don't be like me last Sunday with the FRONT 11 and only throw the ball to have a COMPLETE BRAIN FART and forget what the hell's going on when you let it go.

By the time you make it to the last one or two balls, convince yourself these are the easiest two balls you'll ever throw, and just do what you know you did to get the first ten or eleven.

I hope that helped some...
Would you give everything up, just to do it all over again?

Pin_Krusher IS a serious threat to modern day bowling wood as we know it today.
<b>The original Pin Krusher</b>


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Re: How to get all 12?
« Reply #4 on: December 23, 2003, 10:51:21 AM »
What I mean is, do you go through any special routine to try to stay calm or do you tell yourself something like, 'just don't miss inside', or anything like that?

To me, this is a big no-no. I'm a firm believer in the power of positive visualization. Focus on making a good shot.  Focusing on what not to do is a way of visualizing a bad shot in your mind. Your brain tells your body to do what the brain is thinking about.  If you're thinking about not throwing the ball inside, you're not thinking about hitting your mark (you've got "inside" on the mind).  If you're worried about missing inside, move your mark a board or a half board out and focus on hitting it.  Focus on threading the needle.  

What I do in each shot of a 300 is this: pick the best ball you've already thrown in the game - the one that felt good and sent the pins flying over to the next continent - focus on that to the exclusion of all else, and duplicate it.

Good luck.  I hope you get your 300 soon!
(c) Copied Right! 2003 Knarly Stuff Inc.

Edited on 12/23/2003 11:53 AM


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Re: How to get all 12?
« Reply #5 on: December 23, 2003, 11:22:44 AM »
Never thrown a 300 but I've been able to come thru a couple of times in multiple sports with a lot on the line!

Several ideas.
1. Take the exact same amount of time as the good shots before!  No extra time no huffn and puffn, just repeat the exact ritual you have already used.
Earl Anthony was very big on this, (said it was one big difference between him and opponents), he even practiced it!!
2.  Visualize at night before bed performing under pressure and throwing and burying every strike even with your hands shakin and knees knocking and breath constricted!  When it again happens in real life your system will not be shocked.  It will be ready to perform under the strees.  

I found in my moment facing my boogie monster I was more calm than I was when visualizing, (I WAS READY).  Books I've used that have helped me in this regard are Psychopsybernetics by Maxwell Maltz.  And The Silva Mind Contro method by Jose Silva.
3. See the path all the way down the lane to the pocket.  The better I bowl the more clearly I see the path all the way in to the pocket.  If you are like me I like my path to be wider than 1/2 inch and I imagine about a 6 inch path to the pins.  This takes the accuracy pressure off and allows ones' body to respond to the inevitable slight differences in armswing that take one slightly inside or outside of the perfect 1/2 inch path and allows the wrist to make adjustments to armswing.  When it is going good it is so easy to get to the pocket.
If your path is only 1/2 inch wide in your mind it is INEVITABLE that you will tighten up overcontrol and not freefall your armswing to the ultimate target the breakpoint!

Let it happen, picture it before the night you are going to do it next.


PS I've only had two chances to do it and flushed the pocket twice 299!
PPS it is gonna happen for me soon, don't let me beat you there!
It takes Courage to have Faith, and Faith to have Courage.

James M. McCurley, New Orleans, Louisiana