Yes Randy. Agroves has you on the right path. The first thing I would do is make sure there are enough people interested, or have a plan as to where you want to market the league. When I worked as promotional director at a bowling center, occassionally somebody would walk up to the counter and say they are looking for a mixed league on Monday nights after 8pm. So I essentially would start a league just for them. I would then ask them if they have any other friends that would get teams together, and they said yes. They instantly felt like they were part of the league and helped to get bowlers. I then made a flyer for the league, and helped them fill the spots.
Be creative!!! Charge enough money each week to pay for one pizza per team. You can get the pizzas cheap if you order in quantity. If the center doesn't order pizza, get the local pizza place to sell you the pizzas. They might even put the flyers on their boxes!!!
There's so many other good ideas you can do for your league. Have a mandatory mystery game, and use 100% handicap. Those are just a few ideas.
Good luck!!!
http://www.MichiganBowling.comFamous Last Words of a Pot Bowler--"Ok, but this is my last game!"