While I haven't suffered a life changing stroke, I did suffer from an injury that has totally changed my bowling abilities, so I somewhat understand where you are coming from as far as the bowling goes.
My average is currently at the 189-190 level. This is the first year in over 20 years that I have been below the 200 average level, and it has been very frustrating. Not only do I have higher expectations for myself, but I continue to get beaten by people who formerly had little chance to do so.
But, as others have stated, the know how is still up there. I have found it quite pleasing to be able to help those around me who are just starting out, coaching them and advising them on improvements they could make, then watching them use that to improve their games.
Time marches on, and waits for nobody. Just as I once replaced the best bowlers in our house, I must now realize that it is my turn to be replaced by the next generation of good bowlers. I had guys who helped me learn the ropes, and I feel the best way to respect them is to pass on what they taught me, and what I have learned on my own, to the next generation.
My bowling prime is over, and I will never again be what I once was, but that does not mean that I cannot enjoy the phase of the game/sport that I am now at.
Good luck with the future, and with your recovery, and remember that bowling isn't who you are, it is merely something you do. Enjoy it for what it is, and don't let your diminished abilities wear on you so hard, because father time does that to all of us in one way or another.