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Author Topic: How to start over? (Returning to bowling after a long hiatus)  (Read 4044 times)


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I'm happy to see this forum is still alive and kicking, first of all. I was an avid reader and reasonably steady poster on here around 6 years ago or so. Around that time, I hung up my bowling shoes temporarily as a cost-saving measure, as I had young children and needed to cut some costs to support my family. (I'm the only breadwinner, so sacrifices must be made!)

Anyhow, that isn't the point of my post here. I think I'm about ready to get back at it and start rolling again. I've of course held onto all my old equipment, and it all appears to be in fine working order. So here's the real question:

I had some bad habits back when I was bowling regularly. I try to muscle the ball too much, I don't get down enough, and I can't hook the ball effectively without a wrist support. So do I take the plunge by way of totally breaking it down and trying to fix those issues? I don't need to be a GREAT bowler, but part of me does wish I had better mechanics. I wonder if I can, even after the long layoff, fix some of those things that are so ingrained.

So do I just get back into the game, and have fun? Or take my return more seriously, and perhaps start with some lessons? How would you play it?



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Re: How to start over? (Returning to bowling after a long hiatus)
« Reply #1 on: March 20, 2017, 02:15:27 PM »

Always get back into it for fun, or recreation.  Then if you want to work on your game then tackle some of the things that bug you.  Good luck as you move forward.


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Re: How to start over? (Returning to bowling after a long hiatus)
« Reply #2 on: March 20, 2017, 02:19:39 PM »
If you think you would enjoy bowling more by getting your issues fixed then go for it. It's probably the best time to do so given it's after a long layoff. Personally that's the route I would take since I would always be wondering "what if" otherwise.

Regardless of your decision I would either buy a new ball or take your old stuff to get re-fitted. Grips change over time and especially coming off of that hiatus you never know where it should be at now. An improper span and/or hole pitches could have been the cause of some of your bad habits. Not being able to hook the ball effectively without a wrist support screams that to me unless there's an actual physical limitation. Or something serious with your mechanics, but proper fit comes before that anyways.


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Re: How to start over? (Returning to bowling after a long hiatus)
« Reply #3 on: March 20, 2017, 04:04:47 PM »

I have seen many guys who take time off and come back WITHOUT some of the bad habits they left with.  Stick with the basics and enjoy it.  Why else would you want to come back, unless you're wanting a diversion or night away? 

If your issues are still there and bothering you then, by all means get some qualified help. 


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Re: How to start over? (Returning to bowling after a long hiatus)
« Reply #4 on: March 21, 2017, 05:08:20 AM »
I agree with the above statements, also fall are almost finished, so you'll have the entire offseason to get back into it, easing your way back into while having fun and working out your flaws (if you choose to do so).  Good luck, welcome back, and as always,  Enjoy the game!!!


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Re: How to start over? (Returning to bowling after a long hiatus)
« Reply #5 on: March 21, 2017, 05:30:13 AM »
With summer soon approaching, you could take a nice family vacation to florida. Take the spouse & kids to LEGOLAND in Winter fun and while in the area you can go to the Kegel Training Center which is not too far away in lake wales florida....the website is here.......

You can schedule a training session for a half day or full day....a cool place..I have been there to practice before. They will get your game on track and get you ready to get back into bowling and do it better at that. They also have a pro-shop there so they could even recommend a ball and check the fitting of your equipment.



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Re: How to start over? (Returning to bowling after a long hiatus)
« Reply #6 on: March 21, 2017, 06:38:00 AM »
I'm in the same boat as you man. I was out for about 10 years. I just kinda stopped enjoying bowling so I took time off. Then went to college. Then joined the navy. Bowling just went by the wayside until my dad took my son bowling over the winter and he wanted to start so I figured I'd get back into it so we could bowl together. Unlike you though, my parents had gotten rid of all my bowling stuff from their house so I had to start fresh.

When I came back, it was like I picked up where I was except I was a stronger adult. I didn't really have a lot of bad habits when I was younger, just your typical speeding up of the feet. I think my problem when I came back was that I tended to modify my style to more of a Cranker style which seems to be the popular thing now. As long as I remember that's not my game I'm good. Plus with modern equipment(it's changed in the last 10, figuring it's also changed in the last 6), the balls can be more forgiving. I spent a pretty penny on new equipment but it's been worth it. I'm shooting better now than I used to.

Good luck on your journey back


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Re: How to start over? (Returning to bowling after a long hiatus)
« Reply #7 on: March 21, 2017, 11:12:17 AM »
Same boat here too!  Just getting back into it after like a 15-year (maybe more) lay off.  I had to go and get new equipment too (I pulled my Columbia 300 Green Messenger out and it had cracked).  A lot has changed; but, that's the amazing this about this game, you can be as good as you want to be.  You can be the once a week league bowler out with his buddies, or you can be the three night a week league, and a practice session or two, with a tournament over the weekend guy ... it's all up to you.  JUST HAVE FUN!