This is something I want to try as Ive been having a little problem with accuracy on my strike ball.
With my spares I target the reflection of the pin, draw it back to the arrows and bowl through that line. I am very accurate with that system and rarely miss. I can even target splits quite accuratly with it.
Now I know all of you say pick a mark on the lane where the ball starts to break into the pocket, but I find that difficult to do as the lighting in or lanes is so strong. It seems to cause a shimmery effect on the lanes.
Can I target say a pin and draw that back as I do for spares or would that cause me to extend too far through the ball ?
Or should I just work at picking my mark on the lane and getting used to the lighting and really give that a prolonged test?
Do any of you have a little secret as to how it clicked for you ?.
I think Im at that stage now where I need to do this and I will work on it with my coach when he has the time again, but Id love a bit of info on how you managed to do it.
Many thanks in advance.
Happy go lucky bowler from the UK

Did someone say tough luck