I think to some point going to Kegel for improvement on a THS may be a little overkill.
For one, KTC won't know exactly what your house shot is. There are more variations in THS than the PBA patterns or Kegel patterns. Yes, lane bed, atmospheric conditions, type of oil, etc.... will have an impact, but the general shot is known for the sport patterns.
Second, not saying going to the KTC is a waste of money, but utilizing the local coach as a beginning would be highly recommended. Could be someone who can monitor you for an entire season or summer and really work on your overall game and monitor what methods are working and what methods are not. And it will be a cheaper option most likely.
Now, if you want to go to KTC for a day or two and get great coaching and a plan on what to do to develop your game by great coaches, then go. Just realize for most, it is an expensive endeavor in terms of money and time. Or you may have had some local coaching and wanted to move up in coaching ability, which is fine. And who knows, training at KTC may make you a great bowler and give you the confidence to move to bowling on more difficult conditions and in more difficult tournaments. No matter what you do, if you truly want to improve your bowling, then I salute you and your efforts no matter what they are.
I am not a pro-bowler, but I do play one on BallReviews.com