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Author Topic: How would you attack this shot?  (Read 1116 times)


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How would you attack this shot?
« on: August 15, 2004, 02:05:51 AM »
I went to practice in my fall league house yesterday. The owner came up and told me this is the shot he'll be putting out for the fall leagues. He puts the oil out 24 feet and buffs it to 34 feet, and runs the oil machine back and forth three times. At the time the back ends weren't stripped, because the lanes had been cut and screened the previous day.

The first 5 boards had a lot of oil. So much so that whatever ball I used in my arsenal, no matter how slow I threw it I was lucky to make the head pin, and most often left a wash out combination. 5 to 10 boards seemed a little lighter, and from 11 on inside to 30 there was very little oil, because I could take out the 10 pin if I hit these boards without throwing it 20 mph.

My best carrying shots on this condition were lining up at 35, hitting 30 and pushing the ball out to 10 with my Eraser Pearl Particle, or playing a tight angled shot off the 3 board to the pocket with the same ball. My El Nino Wrath and Barbed Wire didn't fare as well...the only ball I didn't bring down was my V2 Particle, and I wondered if playing straight up the gutter with that would have fared better....

How would you attack this type of reverse block? I know that stripping the lanes may make a little bit of difference in the play.


Edited on 8/15/2004 11:03 AM


Jeff The Chef

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Re: How would you attack this shot?
« Reply #1 on: August 15, 2004, 12:37:25 PM »
I love a good reverse block because it caters to those who can play the extreme outside shot, or the extreme inside shot.....both of which I can do fairly well.

I always prefer to see if the twig shot or an up the boards shot is there, rather than just jumping straight to the deep inside line, because usually it carries better and I am not standing up against the ball return from game one.

With that said, I would suggest taking your V2 Particle and going to practice with it just to see if the twig shot is there. You already know where you have to throw the ball to score from deep inside so if you can't get anything to work from the outside, just go back to doing that.

Hope this helps,


Lane Bed

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Re: How would you attack this shot?
« Reply #2 on: August 15, 2004, 03:26:33 PM »
I think the house owner is full of crap. Nobody is going to put out a shot like that for their leagues. 9/10's of your players are just out for a night of fun. And with way your classic bowlers scream if they don't have their wall, he will either change it or be out of business by next season.


EvEryOnE rOlls OvEr thE lanE bEd


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Re: How would you attack this shot?
« Reply #3 on: August 15, 2004, 04:28:44 PM »
I think the house owner is full of crap. Nobody is going to put out a shot like that for their leagues. 9/10's of your players are just out for a night of fun. And with way your classic bowlers scream if they don't have their wall, he will either change it or be out of business by next season.

Lane Bed: I guess I should let you know that this house owner is not a regular ten pin bowler. He comes from a candlepin background, and had a difficult time understanding that ten pin bowlers need oil on a daily basis in order to bowl or they might as well be throwing plastic or rubber balls out there. Most of the better bowlers have been trying to tell him that there is more of a need for oil in the middle of the lane, and he claims he will make adjustments to the shot if necessary, but the oiling machine he has is well over 18 years old and he doesn't trust anyone else to touch it

And in this house, we haven't had a wall shot ever in the 44 years since the house has been open. There have been nights where you've seen a 300 or an 800 series, but they are few and far between.


Urethane Game

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Re: How would you attack this shot?
« Reply #4 on: August 15, 2004, 09:35:54 PM »
Interesting, I bowled duckpins in Indy and there was no oil on the lane at all.  The oil is there to protect his surface not for you to score.  Your ball reaction also may have been less than desirable due to the recent surface change.

Having said that, I would suggest ditching the cheater balls and take a shiny Urethane or Plastic and play the dirt in the track area.  Average 200 and you will be like a deity in that house.  

Good Luck!
got revs?

channel surfer

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Re: How would you attack this shot?
« Reply #5 on: August 16, 2004, 01:43:05 AM »
Id rather bowl on reverse shots, keeps those flingers from getting the scores they shouldnt have.

I also would stand right, and throw more direct. Im not an inside angle type of guy, but if thats the only thing that works, ill do it.
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Lane Bed

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Re: How would you attack this shot?
« Reply #6 on: August 16, 2004, 10:04:14 PM »
Heres my bet - OOB 3 years


EvEryOnE rOlls OvEr thE lanE bed