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Author Topic: How would you define...  (Read 2548 times)


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How would you define...
« on: March 31, 2009, 12:42:07 AM »
Working on a little side project.  How would you define the following words/phrases?

the twig
playing deep

More to come...


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Edited on 3/31/2009 9:53 AM

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Re: How would you define...
« Reply #1 on: March 31, 2009, 09:11:39 AM »
what about "stroker"??
cranker - a high revolution bowler
tweener - a medium revolution bowler
the twig - the couple boards next to the gutter (EDIT: OUTside 5)
playing deep - utilizing a deep angle to get to the pocket
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Edited on 3/31/2009 10:30 AM

Uncle Crusty

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Re: How would you define...
« Reply #2 on: March 31, 2009, 09:31:42 AM »
I hope you expect a zillion different responses, I'm sure that's what you'll get. Here are my definitions:

Cranker: Someone whose ball speed and rev rate are such that they can A). open up the lanes, and B). overpower the condition. Simply put, a cranker has above-average ball speed and ball rotation.

Tweener: Someone whose ball speed and rev rate lie between that of a cranker and a stroker. Such bowlers are more prone to seeing over/under reaction.

The Twig: I've always known the twig as the one board and only the one board.

Playing Deep: I'd say playing left of 20 at the arrows would be my definition of "deep."
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Re: How would you define...
« Reply #3 on: March 31, 2009, 09:54:17 AM »
I hope you expect a zillion different responses, I'm sure that's what you'll get.

That's kind of what I'm hoping for.  Witty (bowling related) definitions to the above terms.



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Re: How would you define...
« Reply #4 on: March 31, 2009, 11:03:14 AM »
Cranker - Robert Smith
Tweener - PDW
Stroker - Mike Machuga
The Twig - Near the gutter
Playing Deep -  The second and third shots here
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Re: How would you define...
« Reply #5 on: March 31, 2009, 12:35:03 PM »
cranker.....power player, puts a lot of revs on the ball. usually plays a big hook. between a cranker and a straight player. less revs than a power player but more than a straight player. usually plays a moderate size hook.

stroker.....a straighter player. can throw a small hook or throw the ball down the boards. relies on speed control and accuracy.

the twig. this is a down and in shot right straight down the 1-2 board.

playing deep.....depends on the player but usually means playing inside the 5th arrow.


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Re: How would you define...
« Reply #6 on: March 31, 2009, 12:45:56 PM »
Cranker – A player who has a strong cocking and uncocking of the wrist imparting extra turn to the ball. Generally has a large amount of hook.

Tweener – A player who rotates around the ball but not in a violent manner as the cranker. Generally plays a moderate amount of hook.

Stroker – Imparts little muscle in the swing and simply lets the hand rotate around the ball. Generally plays a straighter shot.

Twig – Out side 1st arrow generally 3rd board and out. The ball does not travel towards the gutter, either down the boards or angles towards the head pin.

Playing deep – When a player does not throw the ball outside the 12 board at anytime. Playing less than 5 boards of hook to get to the pocket.


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Re: How would you define...
« Reply #7 on: March 31, 2009, 12:53:25 PM »
cranker.....power player, puts a lot of revs on the ball. usually plays a big hook. between a cranker and a straight player. less revs than a power player but more than a straight player. usually plays a moderate size hook.

stroker.....a straighter player. can throw a small hook or throw the ball down the boards. relies on speed control and accuracy.

the twig. this is a down and in shot right straight down the 1-2 board.

playing deep.....depends on the player but usually means playing inside the 5th arrow.

+1 with 1 change.

Playing deep....inside the 20 board at the arrows, ball never gets outside of 10 breakpoint 10, 11, 12, or on.
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Re: How would you define...
« Reply #8 on: March 31, 2009, 11:52:29 PM »
cranker = anyone who has more area than you do.

tweener = anyone that outbowls a cranker on a given night.

stroker = anyone that doesn't put hand in the ball.

the twig = the one board.
(If you really play the twig you MUST throw at least one ball in the ditch over 3 games)

playing deep = anything inside of the 10 board for a lefty. anything inside of 12 board for a righty. (Bowlers who can't play deep, normally have a nosebleed, when they move in.)
Duke Harding

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Re: How would you define...
« Reply #9 on: April 01, 2009, 05:48:49 AM »
Working on a little side project.  How would you define the following words/phrases?

High rev players, 400 RPM and more. Not necessarily rev-dominant. Tends to open the shoulder, maybe even drift on the approach. Sometimes use of excessive force.

Tough question. Probably a player in the 300 RPM region with good speed, good timing, free arm pendulum.

"Powerless" player, tends to have lower speed. No forced swing, RPMs come from timing and finger action.

The twig
Inside of 1st arrow

Playing deep
Targeting at 3rd arrow or deeper with a swing shot towards the gutter (playing straight down 3rd arrow is IMO not "playing deep"), feet beyong 20th board.
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