I would have made it hit home a bit more, but keep it rather classy.
Regardless of his attitude (I'll address that in a bit), even as serious as we are about bowling, remind him of the scores, because no matter how extreme or rude he gets, his actions aren't going to change the scores. He lost, no matter what, and should be graceful in losing.
Remind him also that if the situation were reversed, you would
*not* have done the same thing, because you simply aren't that type of person.
Not that you'd immediately have these on you, but if you did, drop these two books on his lap/in his bag/in his hands:
Because it is obvious that he's lacking any sort of grace or confidence in dealing with you or anyone else, especially in a win/lose fashion. And until he addresses that and his attitude, you won't be friends with him. when he addresses it, you'd welcome him back.
That way, not only is he reminded of how crappy his attitude is (much worse words come to mind), but you've dealt with it in a way that makes you a hell of a lot better, while leaving him with a choice to be bitter, or get better.