I go on three things coverstock, core, layout. I find a coverstock and core that will suit a certian conditon then I drill it with a layout that will give me the type of reaction I want, eg;
My Savage Flip is a pearl coverstock with a light bulb core + flip blocks so the ball WANTS to go long and flip, hence the name, so I had it drilled to get lenght but hook aswell, so I put the pin above ring and swung out the cg, this drilling gave the ball lenght and a strong backend reaction, every ball I buy is condition specific and I very rarely have the same drilling on more then one ball, this sort of setup really works for me becasue I can choose what type of reaction I want to have and becasue all my balls are condition specific they don't all hook/react the same which is much easier in choosing the right ball on the right shot...
"Does The Savage Flip Flip? It Sure Does!"
"Hook Isn't The Key, A Repeatable Consistent Shot Is"
"Increase Your Knowledge, Increase Your Score"
"Ebonite International ~ Bowl To Win"