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Author Topic: How you set up your equipment...  (Read 911 times)


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How you set up your equipment...
« on: October 28, 2004, 02:35:25 PM »
I guess I'm just curious on how everyone sets up their equipment in terms of what they want to get for their heavy oiler, medium/heavy, medium, medium/light and so forth, as well as what layouts they choose for their equipment. Do you try to stay with the same layouts per ball and change the coverstocks for variation, or do you use a combination of layout differences and coverstock modifications?

Also, do you have specific balls that you may only get the chance to use once or twice a year but have just in case the conditions that you see are necessary for this piece?

Most of what I have in my lineup works well for 90% of the houses I see. Right now my Tuesday league doesn't have anything that seems to work well beyond the first game or so, unless I want to up the speed, kill the revs and risk a lot of pocket splits or back pin leaves. Thus the need for a specific ball for a specific condition in this case.




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Re: How you set up your equipment...
« Reply #1 on: October 28, 2004, 11:10:07 PM »
I go on three things coverstock, core, layout. I find a coverstock and core that will suit a certian conditon then I drill it with a layout that will give me the type of reaction I want, eg;

My Savage Flip is a pearl coverstock with a light bulb core + flip blocks so the ball WANTS to go long and flip, hence the name, so I had it drilled to get lenght but hook aswell, so I put the pin above ring and swung out the cg, this drilling gave the ball lenght and a strong backend reaction, every ball I buy is condition specific and I very rarely have the same drilling on more then one ball, this sort of setup really works for me becasue I can choose what type of reaction I want to have and becasue all my balls are condition specific they don't all hook/react the same which is much easier in choosing the right ball on the right shot...
"Does The Savage Flip Flip? It Sure Does!"
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Re: How you set up your equipment...
« Reply #2 on: October 29, 2004, 07:04:00 AM »
I have balls that cover the spectrum, might only use some everyonce in awhile but i know how my lanes are oiled for league so i only take the ones i need and if the change it i can adjust from there. If i bowl in a tournament i will take them all, so i can attack what ever i need. Now as for balls my pro shop guy and i looked at my game and decided on what equipment an drillings fit me best. I do best with more pearlized coverstock and drilled to go long. Now my predator jungle is drilled to hook all the way but it works for me, not guarantee it will work for you. if you are have lane break down you will need to kill revs, or get a ball that goes further down the lane before breaking.
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Oil is served Best with fingers!
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Re: How you set up your equipment...
« Reply #3 on: October 29, 2004, 09:17:29 AM »
I take the perspective of two types of reactions: arc's and flips. Then I catagorize the natural charateristics of the ball into on of those two types. The I want 3 levels of overall hooking in each catagory, alot, medium and little. This then provides me 6 balls that should cover most conditions. In addition I carry a spare ball drilled label... stinger two piece which has recently been replaced with a Roto Grip Sonic Boom.

If you rate the balls into categories above you will note that certian types of cover stocks will fall into specific places in your chart. So you will have all the different coverstocks. As well, you will note that certian shape weight blocks will fall into certain hook shapes. So you will have some off all shapes.

With regards to layouts, I have found that for me, I dont like sudden, violent reactions so I tend to drill most everything tame. I let the natural charatistics of the ball decide where in the arsenal it will fit and not try to use a layout to "force it" into the specific slot.

I will contend that seldom do I have the prefect ball for the condition. But then I seldom dont have a ball that I cant get to work. I have heard others on this board suggest that you would not need the prefect ball on a THS and I agree. So instead of drilling equipement that exploits THS I drill equipement for when the conditions are more demanding.

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Re: How you set up your equipment...
« Reply #4 on: October 29, 2004, 03:39:42 PM »
my equipment is set up on the basis of friction----literaly. they are basically drilled very similar---pin next to ring finger, cg swung towards center of grip. most don't have a balance hole. i like the reaction i get from this drilling pattern. i let the coverstock dictate which ball i'll need:

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brunswick classic zone( reactive ).....wetsanded 2,000 grit, highly polished

brunswick monster slayR( reactive ).....wetsanded 3,000 grit, several cycles in the rekleen machine.