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Author Topic: Sign seen in a Brunswick center today  (Read 7554 times)


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Sign seen in a Brunswick center today
« on: December 23, 2010, 09:51:01 AM »
**ON EDIT - This post is directed at the idiots who complained...NOT Brunswick...I think Brunswick is great, especially this center where I ran the shop years ago**

So today I went and practiced around lunchtime.  I''m going to the desk to shovel over some free game passes when a sign posted catches my eye.

"We''ve listened to your feedback.  A number of you have stated you would practice more if the lanes weren''t so dry.  So starting Jan 4th we will be stripping and oiling the lanes twice daily, in the morning and in the evenings before league"

So....let me make sure I understand...

I have bowled in this house for years.  The shot is NEVER very dry after league is done at night.  At worst I am playing around 17/18 at the arrows in a 5 man team men''s league.  There is PLENTY of oil....

So now to be able to "practice"...we need to be able to play the same line we''re playing in league...all of the time?

We wonder why competitive bowling is going in the p**ser?  People won''t "practice"...because the lanes are dry?  So practice is just chucking your new hook-in-a-box hard and fast up 9 and quitting after 4 games when it dries up?

Can''t believe people actually b**ch about this stuff....

Little known fact:  In Russian "Hope" and "Change" translate to "Tax" and "Spend"

Edited on 12/24/2010 9:30 AM



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Re: Sign seen in a Brunswick center today
« Reply #61 on: December 27, 2010, 09:12:51 PM »
I just want the sport of bowling to prosper and grow.

I hear that and agree with you.
"Complexity lay within the artistry of execution"

+++Henry Zou+++

Founding FatherBR Inquisition
"No one runs...from the conquerer "



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Re: Sign seen in a Brunswick center today
« Reply #62 on: December 27, 2010, 09:12:53 PM »
I just want the sport of bowling to prosper and grow.

I hear that and agree with you.
"Complexity lay within the artistry of execution"

+++Henry Zou+++

Founding FatherBR Inquisition
"No one runs...from the conquerer "
