Just took a look at my old Bill Taylor book.
It looks like he just grabs bottle naturally.
Heel is a little off bottle. I grab a bottle quickly and naturally and it feels like my fingers are perpindicular to the surface of the bottle.
If I grab unnaturally my heel goes on the bottle and my fingers feel like they are pointing vertically up a little. Not the way my 2 year old son grabs a glass full of water. He grabs a heavy full glass of water as described above fingers horizontal to the ground so that it is easy to hold and steady the glass(coke bottle).
This gives me the measurement discussed between my middle and ring finger.
I agree with the well written and accurate pin chaser above!
Grips for people are based on a certain range.
Me with my lateral pointing where it does is very uncomfortable with 0 or lateral out. My good friend who originally drilled for me. Has his thumb in this lateral test point at his space betwee his index and middle finger.
For him to bowl with 1/8 lateral out or 0 or 1/8 lateral under palm is a range he is very comfortable. (He actually claims this stuff doesn't matter).
For me my base position is 1/4 lateral under. I'm comfortable from about 1/16 lateral under palm to 3/8 under palm. My midpoint of my comfort range is different.
Find your midpoint with these tests etc from above and then make tweaks to adjust fit and roll as needed.
I actually at this point wanted to say thank you to the King! Yes King of the mill for taking almost 2 hours of the last couple of days to study MY particular hand over the web and to recommend and explain some tweaks for me.
He is an extremely knowledgeable source who is very generous with his time!
I hope to report back with some great results after his studied help. The changes we are making are quite significant I think. It's time I did somethin again!
Finger pitches, spans, thumb pitches, pitch rolls, special oval techniques.
Old drilling theories, new drilling theories, ball dynamics. I thought I knew a few things! This man however, is truly THE King!