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Author Topic: I am bowling at an all time low  (Read 2595 times)


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I am bowling at an all time low
« on: June 19, 2009, 11:24:49 PM »
I cannot shoot a spare 1/2 of my spares i missed today in league. theres no direction i am missing in i am throwing it all over the place
any advice

Edited on 6/20/2009 7:26 AM



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Re: I am bowling at an all time low
« Reply #1 on: June 20, 2009, 08:19:07 AM »
Take a few lessons from a local coach..
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Re: I am bowling at an all time low
« Reply #2 on: June 20, 2009, 08:27:23 AM »
I think we all get out of wack sometimes. I too agree to go to a coach... thats what I'm doing.

haha on thursday they changed the shot and I managed a STUNNING 451 !!! i was dropping the ball, completely missing my mark, and even when I did pin point where I wanted the ball to go I rolled it off my hand different so it wouldnt always make the turn... sigh! this is what happens every time I decide to change my game LOL!


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Re: I am bowling at an all time low
« Reply #3 on: June 20, 2009, 09:28:30 AM »
depending on your backswing, maybe shorten it up just a tad, keep your armswing in close, sometimes if i'm off it's because my elbow gets out and i can pull it or i over-compensate and throw it inside-out, either way, i miss. maybe relax your shoulder, that should free up your swing. keep your foot pointed straight at the line and reach out and thru the shot. oh yeah, and don't lean too far forward and have a nice deep knee bend. damn, if i did all this, i wouldn't miss a shot. LOL. good luck, i'm sure i missed something here. stay behind the ball and don't roll around it, that might cause you to tug it also.


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Re: I am bowling at an all time low
« Reply #4 on: June 20, 2009, 09:34:58 AM »
oh I am not doing the coach thing all the coaches near me are terrible there's only 1 certified coach and he is a moron he tells me to make my spares by standing as far left as possible and going trying to lay it down on the 5th board and throw it across the centre arrow when i know it will go into the gutter


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Re: I am bowling at an all time low
« Reply #5 on: June 20, 2009, 09:53:27 AM »
There are some great books on bowling that can be found and some are for spare making alone.  you can probably find some info on Ron Clifton's website

There are several if not many spare systems.  But a system will help.  The major system difference that I know of is those who use a spare ball (plastic or urethane mostly) and those that use their strike ball for all theur spares.

A system is just a starting point though.  If you have a sprae system for a THS, great place to start, and it works out, you might have to make foot placement adjustments if the lane condition is drier or oilier then when you first developed your spare system on a THS shot.  This is more true for those who use a strike ball to make their spares.

Most say, and I agree for the most part, that using a spare ball, plastic, and going straight at your spares takes the lane condition out of the formula.  I believe is close but if the lanes are very oil or very dry, some adjustments will be necessary.

Without a system though, you can be bouncing all over the place and never having confidence in your spare game.

The system I usually teach to start with is the 2-4-6-8-10 system using your strike moving right for left hand spares and left of right hand spares.  But thats just a starting point and not set in stone.  So many bowling instructors use the middle arrow (20 board) to make spares moving left or right as necessary but it takes practice to see where you need to line your feet up to make the spares using the middle arrow or any spare system.

again there are different systems out there and you should try to find one that works for you and adjust as necessary, but use a system.

Good luck.

Nicanor (Ten On The Deck)
Nicanor (Ten On The Deck)


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Re: I am bowling at an all time low
« Reply #6 on: June 20, 2009, 10:00:45 AM »
My favorite advice for people not happy with their game is to suggest that they take two weeks off.

Then quit!  


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Re: I am bowling at an all time low
« Reply #7 on: June 20, 2009, 10:33:52 AM »
Here is my favorite piece of advice I have ever been given:

"I suggest knocking the pin over with the ball."

You're welcome.
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Re: I am bowling at an all time low
« Reply #8 on: June 20, 2009, 02:46:51 PM »
A good coach is a godsend.  

If you can't find one at your local bowling center look elsewhere.

The bowler formerly known as BrunsRod.
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Re: I am bowling at an all time low
« Reply #9 on: June 20, 2009, 07:08:39 PM »
A good coach is the way to go, but should one not be immediately available, focus on timing.  If your using a plastic ball, spares are simply about hitting your mark, and if your all over the place, your timing is likely off, focus on your timing, and accuracy will return, and it will help you notice other things as well.

Edited on 6/20/2009 7:11 PM


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Re: I am bowling at an all time low
« Reply #10 on: June 21, 2009, 01:30:46 PM »
the coach is a moron for telling you to shoot a spare the way most of us do if your using reactive????

Other than that.......


find a good coach or PRACTICE spares....

Ten pin?????? Where?? I throw a BUZZSAW there is NUTTIN left on the deck...

Proud MEMBER of the FOS!!
Member of the FOS, if there happens to be a 9 pin standing just toss a saw and cut it down~~!

Ten pin?????? Where?? I throw a BUZZSAW there is NUTTIN left on the deck...

Proud MEMBER of the FOS!!
Member of the FOS, if there happens to be a 9 pin standing just toss a saw and cut it down~~!

Dan Belcher

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Re: I am bowling at an all time low
« Reply #11 on: June 22, 2009, 10:36:07 AM »
Plastic spare ball takes out most of the guess work.
+1.  Plastic is the best thing ever to happen to my spare game.


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Re: I am bowling at an all time low
« Reply #12 on: June 22, 2009, 10:40:15 AM »
Sounds to me like you need to do two things

1) Buy the latest and greatest hook-monster

2) Whine, scream, cry, pound your fist on the counter if you have to, but DEMAND that the shot be made better/easier, as they are obviously crap if you are leaving spares.

There.  Easier pattern, stronger ball, no spares to shoot at.  Problem solved.


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Re: I am bowling at an all time low
« Reply #13 on: June 22, 2009, 10:58:33 AM »
Plastic spare ball takes out most of the guess work.
+1.  Plastic is the best thing ever to happen to my spare game.

Me too, especially for my 10, 9, & 6 pins (Right hander).  

And I stand left & throw across the lane giving myself some angle to miss left or touch right & still kick out the 10.  Throwing straight down the twig at a 10 pin doesn't give you much room for error.  When I throw my plastic I still will get a board or 2 of hook depending on how dry it is, so that's why I don't even change my release & know if I miss a touch right it will hang on the rail.  Went from a ton of just misses to a bunch of spears.  I can't wait for fall league.  Don't have time, due to work, for a summer league.

Fluff E Bunnie

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Re: I am bowling at an all time low
« Reply #14 on: June 22, 2009, 08:03:29 PM »

I don't know if this is the same problem that you are describing because you didn't really give any info...  I don't know if you are normally good at shooting spares but since you describe it as an "all time low" I would have to think that you are normally better at it.

I wonder if it is a mental block.  I have noticed with myself and others that when you get in these spells where you suddenly can't shoot spares you it can start changing your swing a little bit.  I have had others point out to me that when I get tentative I won't follow through all the way the same as I used to etc.  

Usually what I will do to get out of this is practice one thing.  Say a 10 pin.  Don't try to do too many things.  I try to sit there and shoot that pin until it starts to "feel" comfortable because usually it is a case of the timing being out of whack.  Go back to basics and get your timing feeling right and pay attention to the follow through.  If you are normally pretty good at spares, what changed?  Probably not a whole lot except that you are doubting yourself and hoping to make it instead of knowing you can make it.  Of course you can't fake confidence so the only way to get it is to practice until you start feeling that you have some kind of command on what you are doing again.  

1.  A good coach can save you time/headache
2.  Plastic balls are handy and cheap

Oh I don't know about what board you are laying it down on but I generally use somewhere around the center arrow to shoot my corner pins like your coach was saying.  Yes, I would say get some kind of system to practice.  Everyone has their own system and you can build your own based off of the many proven systems that are out there.

Anyway, that's my take on it but I am a believer in the mental part of the equation being the most important.  The mind can play tricks on your body.  I am not an expert but I am just passing on what I have learned for myself.
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