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Author Topic: I am bowling at an all time low  (Read 2596 times)


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I am bowling at an all time low
« on: June 19, 2009, 11:24:49 PM »
I cannot shoot a spare 1/2 of my spares i missed today in league. theres no direction i am missing in i am throwing it all over the place
any advice

Edited on 6/20/2009 7:26 AM



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Re: I am bowling at an all time low
« Reply #16 on: June 22, 2009, 08:28:51 PM »
i am throwing it all over the place

We call this "spraying".  

There are a number of things that promote spraying.

1. stepping off or hopping at the finish.  
2. inconsistent drifting
3. muscling the arm swing
4. trying to throw the ball too hard
5. trying to hook and/or rev the ball too much
6. not keeping your head steady during your approach and finish.

That is all assuming that you have a spare system that has worked for you in the past.  If you have not really ever been all that great with your spares, then now is the time.  Figure out a spare system that works consistently and practice it.  You can practice an entire game of 10 pins.  Or use the first ball for the 10 pin the second for the 7.  Make a game of it.  You move onto the 6 pin and the 4 pin when you have made three frames of 10/7 pins sucessfully.  Its got to be more then twice in a row as that could just be luck.  Repeat with the 6 and 4 pin until you get it three times in a row and then move onto the 3 and the 2 pin.  You can also work on hitting the left or right side of those pins specifically.  So in your game, you don't advance until you sucessfully complete the skill three times in a row.  



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Re: I am bowling at an all time low
« Reply #17 on: June 22, 2009, 08:40:34 PM »
A coach is a great idea. Also I think you might also want to try to relax and get back to basics. Sometimes taking a deep breath and relaxing gets your mind in the correct train of thought and there you go.


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Re: I am bowling at an all time low
« Reply #18 on: June 22, 2009, 09:35:34 PM »
there's only 1 certified coach and he is a moron he tells me to make my spares by standing as far left as possible and going trying to lay it down on the 5th board and throw it across the centre arrow when i know it will go into the gutter

Funny, isn't that how the vast majority of us attack the 10?  Weird...
You may be the better bowler, but my car would blow the doors off of yours.


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Re: I am bowling at an all time low
« Reply #19 on: June 23, 2009, 12:54:05 AM »
he is saying to stand up against the ball return trying to get the ball to land on the 35th/5th board and go across centre to make your tens that would go in the gutter fast


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Re: I am bowling at an all time low
« Reply #20 on: June 23, 2009, 01:02:25 AM »
he is saying to stand up against the ball return trying to get the ball to land on the 35th/5th board and go across centre to make your tens that would go in the gutter fast

Maybe you should bowl with your coach present and show him that it will not work for you. It really seems like someone is afraid to listen and is a do it yourselfer, I could be wrong but its how you come off, and part of it is youthful ignorance.


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Re: I am bowling at an all time low
« Reply #21 on: June 23, 2009, 01:39:50 AM »
he is saying to stand up against the ball return trying to get the ball to land on the 35th/5th board and go across centre to make your tens that would go in the gutter fast

this is too much of a variable because the ball return takes up space in different areas and widths of appraoches depending on the brand of ball returns.  Maybe your coach was pretty much just generalizing for your center.  Even so, I have yet to be with any coach that worked in such generalalities.  Every coach I've seen has named boards by number, no matter how close they were to the ball reaturn.  

But Magicmike is right.  You need to try it and see if its something that's just uncomfortable because its new or not going to work.  All new skills are uncomfortable.  

Do you have a spare ball?  YOu never mentioned.  Because if you do not then I can see the coach sending you all the way out there to the left and over the 5th arrow for the 10 pin spare.  

Long ago when I was in school, I was not a teenager.  I was in post college and in a technical school and really already a self supporting adult.  But still learned something that has stuck with me since.  And I learned it from a graduated student that came to visit the class.  When you are in a learning situation, it never hurts to "be a sponge".  Because no matter how you feel about the person diseminating the information you never know how valuable that information is at the time.  So it really is to your benefit that when someone is trying to teach you something (even if you think its wrong) and giving you (in this case) FREE information,  to pay attention and "be a sponge".  You might not use it right away, you may never use it.  But do not waste your time with attitude and dissention.  Just absorb it.  Take it in.  Try it.  If you are truely at an all time low (your words) then you have nothing to lose.  
