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Author Topic: I am getting really racked off now!!!!!!!!!  (Read 1667 times)

Brutal Bowler

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I am getting really racked off now!!!!!!!!!
« on: October 12, 2006, 10:12:25 AM »
Good day to you all.

I posted a topic about my Thursday 4 man league & how i got dropped for the next week due to myself having the lowest series.

Well Thursday night i decided to go down & just keep score for my team. But in the end, i had to play after all, due to the other guy not being able to make it in time. So i was rubbing my hands together & wanted to put things back on track for this league.

First game - 166. Just couldnt spare at all.
Second game - 152. Same again, couldnt spare
Third game - 208. 4 in a row & spares all the way to the 10th, when i had a
                  6, 7, 10 split But i still high scored on this game.

But what really annoyed me was the constant nagging from our self appointed team captain. As we have a 'punishment' fund which we put money into with missed head pins, open frames, diagonal/vertical hangings etc. Everytime one of us missed he says "in the book", "put him down for missed single pin" & all this. Is this supposed to motivate us? If anything it has the opposite effect.

And do you know whats worse? In my 208 game, when i didnt strike & the other 2 guys on my team had marks, he would say "come on then, lets hang him up" just after i got the spare & walked off the approach. Some encouragement 'captain'!?

I enjoy playing bowling, but not with this guy. No wonder i hit 600's in my other leagues & not this league. It gets to me so much that i just feel like quitting Thursday's cos of this.

"What is the point in Strikes when you can't get Spares. Spares are GOOD!!

Current Arsenal:
Brunswick Groove Reactive
Storm Paradigm (drilled)
Ebonite XXXcel
AMF Sumo
Regency 300
COMING SOON - Storm Paradigm & Ebonite Maxim

High Game - 269
High Series - 691



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Re: I am getting really racked off now!!!!!!!!!
« Reply #1 on: October 12, 2006, 06:52:16 PM »
I agree with mycroft.  We have the same type of kitty on my Tuesday league.  While we don't "root" for someone to miss or such, we do say "mark it down" just to have fun with each other.  It has no negative affect what soever on our team.  We even have a WTF category for really dumb things.  You figure out what WTF means.  
Who needs a 300 or 800, when I have a 294 and a 295!?!?!


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Re: I am getting really racked off now!!!!!!!!!
« Reply #2 on: October 12, 2006, 09:09:23 PM »
The question is, does he do this to all the members of the team. What I would do is start saying things to him when he misses spares. Shake the can or whatever you put the money into. After awhile, he will have a bad night and then you will be in heaven knowing that he screwed up. Also, jsut make sure he realizes that you are scoring higher then him or your average is higher.

I have a guy on my Thursday noght team that does things like this. It is all in fun, but some nights it is not wanted by anyone. But is average is lower then mine and when I have a bad night and he starts, I remind him of that. He tends to shut up...



Brutal Bowler

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Re: I am getting really racked off now!!!!!!!!!
« Reply #3 on: October 13, 2006, 02:27:00 PM »
Its so difficult to quit Sawbones cos the other players i play with are great. My brother plays for my team & if i just quit, then i dont want him to feel the effect of me leaving. No wonder our team captain left for another team consisting of 2 young kids, 1 new player & an average lady bowler!

I think i might do what BOWL119 said. Give it back to him & see how he likes it. Maybe my aim for the night should be to thrash him lol! I should let what he says just go in one ear & out the other & play my own game.

Thanks for the advice though guys.

"What is the point in Strikes when you can't get Spares. Spares are GOOD!!

Current Arsenal:
Brunswick Groove Reactive
Storm Paradigm (drilled)
Ebonite XXXcel
AMF Sumo
Regency 300
COMING SOON - Storm Paradigm & Ebonite Maxim

High Game - 269
High Series - 691


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Re: I am getting really racked off now!!!!!!!!!
« Reply #4 on: October 13, 2006, 02:54:45 PM »
Hell on my Tuesday night trio team we have a "Mascot". It is a doll that is bent over with his head stuck up his butt. His name is Ben Dover. He also has a voice which is activated by push button and results in saying such as " This is my best impression of you" and things of that nature. Whomever gets hung gets the doll and the last one to get hung on the night takes Ben home for the week. We have a blast with it. In fact we even have established a record amongst ourselves. To date the most hangings of one person in one game has been 8! Can you imagine getting hung 8 times in one game?? lol WE LOVE IT!

On edit: I forgot that we have nicknamed Ben "BUTTMAN" The teams that we bowl against get a kick out of it and sometimes even gets in on the
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Aug 29 1957 - Aug 3 2006

Edited on 10/13/2006 4:41 PM


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Re: I am getting really racked off now!!!!!!!!!
« Reply #5 on: October 13, 2006, 03:35:40 PM »
Tweener92, I'd bowl on your team anytime, that's absolutely classic !!!!


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Re: I am getting really racked off now!!!!!!!!!
« Reply #6 on: October 13, 2006, 04:15:58 PM »
If I were you, I'd just politely tell him that you don't appreciate the constant ribbing and ask if he could cut it out, or at least cut down.  Simplest approach, and it will also determine whether or not he's truly a jerk (if he refuses), or joking around.
- Andy

Edited on 10/13/2006 4:10 PM


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Re: I am getting really racked off now!!!!!!!!!
« Reply #7 on: October 13, 2006, 04:54:17 PM »
conversely, I bowled with teammates where you were penalized if you didn't bowl your average.  Over some time, they became so concerned with the idea of bowling their avg., they lost focus on what was more important.... WINNING!  Honestly, they would literally be excited about bowling average and quick to let you know about it as well.  No concern about trying to 'pick up' the slack of a slumping/troubled bowler to win a game.

Bowling anchor is fun, but it doesn't mean squat if you have teammates who are more concerned about bowling their average over trying to win.  I'll never forget, as my teammate was going at a 250+ pace, yet settled for a 196 because it was over his average, we loss by 10 pins!!!  I witnessed the signs of 'content' in his actions.  All he can say is 'I don't owe anything, I bowled over my average'..... WTF!!?

Needless to say, I'm not bowling with them any longer.  They've repeatedly asked, but don't understand when I explain why I opt not to bowl with them.