Here's what I've seen around here. There is a weekly singles tournament that travels to different houses each week. I think there are 8 or 10 houses that participate, so every 2.5 months they get it again. One house decided the scoring was getting rediculous. So, the owner decided to put out 3 different sport shots and have everyone move each game. This was meant to reward the versatile bowlers. Well, word spread and he got the best turn-out that any house had gotten for a weekend. However, after the scores fell, there was nothing but WAAAAAA!
So, for the next tourney, he ditched the sport shot and put out a flat gutter to gutter pattern in 3 different lenghts - again, everyone throws 1 game on each pattern. OK, you say, if these guys are as good as they think, they should be able to find a line to the pocket and cover spares for a good set. Well, half of the people (obviously humbled by the lane man) never showed back up for the second event. And, after more WAAAAA! when the scores weren't up, he gave up and went back to the THS. Lo and behold, the numbers went back up for the 3rd event once word got out the THS was back.
Therefore, my conclusion is that bowlers don't want to be challenged - they don't want to find out who's actually better than who - all they want is to put up big numbers without having to work at it. It's too bad... even though I am not at the level some of you guys are avg wise, I'd take my chances with anyone on a pattern outside of the THS (not for $, I'm not that stupid LOL). That way, if I win, then I know my work has paid off and I deserve the win. If I lose, at least I'd know I was beaten by someone who had worked harder on their game to earn the win - and that it wasn't given to them.