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Author Topic: let me pick someones brain  (Read 2016 times)


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let me pick someones brain
« on: November 22, 2014, 04:46:35 AM »
I have a 14lb Seismic Epicenter and while bowling last night I noticed that there was a noticeable crack between the fingers....both at the top of the grip and the bottom. I have had the ball well over three years and absolutely love the ball. I don't want to have to face the reality that maybe the ball is doomed because I had a ball years ago that the same thing happened and no matter how many times I had it fixed and redrilled in the same still kept breaking. I shot 750 last night with the ball and was hoping that some of you that may have experienced the same thing might have a solution so I don't have to get rid of one of my favorite bowling balls. I am sure I can plug it and change the layout but I really love the reaction I am seeing from this ball.



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Re: let me pick someones brain
« Reply #1 on: November 22, 2014, 07:45:05 AM »
If it's just the coverstock that cracked, I see no problem. I had a plastic ball that cracked there also. My driller opened up the cracked area, plugged it with normal urethane material slightly larger than the area and redrilled it in place. It was fine thereafter. I think you might have a bigger problem if you changed the drilling. That would also require plugging the thumb hole and would change the dynamics of the drilled ball.
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Re: let me pick someones brain
« Reply #2 on: November 22, 2014, 08:05:02 AM »
I am not sure if it is the coverstock. I can feel the crack beginning to raise like it will eventually begin to break away. If I knew how to post a picture on here I would show you what the crack looks like. I have a good picture of it.


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Re: let me pick someones brain
« Reply #3 on: November 22, 2014, 08:25:04 AM »
I've had several balls over the years crack at the bridge and they were all successfully repaired as Charlest suggested.  Maybe the first time the pro shop had some bad plug or maybe rushed the job?  Most shops I've seen will do area fixes in two steps.  Drill out the area and fill 1/2 to 2/3 with plug.  Wait until cured then finish filling.  Maybe it it's filled all at once the stuff at the bottom doesn't set/cure properly?


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Re: let me pick someones brain
« Reply #4 on: November 22, 2014, 08:32:13 AM »
If you have a large deep hole and fill with completely with plugging material all at once, sometimes it will overheat and the plugging material doesn't sure properly. Filling partially, letting it set, and then topping if off keeps that from happening.

I agree with as Charlest suggested we would drill out the holes to remove as much as the cracked area as possible and then plug and redrill.


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Re: let me pick someones brain
« Reply #5 on: November 22, 2014, 08:40:25 AM »
Yes, this should work..unless due to the ball roll, the finger area contacts the pins.  Suggest trying drilling out cracked area and having it plugged.  Usually the plugged area is stronger than the original (one solid material versus cover/inner core layer).  Either plug in steps or use "proshop candies"...  excess plug material that had been previously pored/set in molds).
