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Author Topic: I average 204...I should go pro!  (Read 2754 times)


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I average 204...I should go pro!
« on: March 01, 2011, 11:24:41 AM »
   Vacations came up today at work, and I'm out later this month for USBC.  People started asking me about bowling, my average, etc.  So I told the one guy I average 204.  "What are you doing here?  You should go pro"  I was about to explain how it's REALLY not that simple and how at 204 I'm nowhere near good enough to even make a modest living at it, but I really didn't have the energy.




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Re: I average 204...I should go pro!
« Reply #1 on: March 01, 2011, 07:38:52 PM »
I know I get that at work also. They think since I average between 215 to 225 I should go pro, but I tell them that is a whole different monster. A big big difference from a simple old house shot.
In fact I told my boss (the owner of the company) that I was going to bowl the national tourney and he got all worried that I was going to quit. He thought I was going to bowl the PBA Tour LOL. I had to explain to him what the national tourney was.



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Re: I average 204...I should go pro!
« Reply #2 on: March 02, 2011, 09:35:06 AM »
And the general public thinks pro bowlers are rolling in money.  They don't know that only a handful are able to survive withoug additional income.  --  JohnP

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Re: I average 204...I should go pro!
« Reply #3 on: March 02, 2011, 09:53:35 AM »
I'm having a career year so far averaging 228 on wednesday's.  I'm no where in the ballpark of the pro's.  I could compete in a 1 game match with some of them, but i'll never be consistantly beating them.  Never underestimate how good those guys are.


Basically, it's just people not having a concept of reality. 



-"If you want to make enemies, try to change something." - Woodrow Wilson


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Re: I average 204...I should go pro!
« Reply #4 on: March 02, 2011, 10:19:45 AM »
About a month or so ago,  a Mr 218 was bowling well and winning money...$1700.00 in the last month...
Then all of a sudden a TOURING PRO was allowed to sub in his league...
In 2 weeks he pretty much swept all the post...and averaged about 260...
What a uproar...Many said they would not come back next year if he was allowed to bowl in this league...
He was gone...But before he left, he took most of the money in pots for the 2 weeks he was there...
People just don't realize how good they are...
 A few years back, one of our sales reps was also bowling on tour...Around here he was Mr 235...
He bowled in a National PBA event here one year... That event was the HIGHEST scoring event of the year on tour...I believe the leaders average about 224...
He averaged 180.2....No I did not ask him what happened...
Recently I had a scratch golfer in who had played Pebble Beach 10 days before the US OPEN was played there last summer...He shot in the mid 80's... and they didn't get to play from the tips....or it might have been a 100...

Edited by jls on 3/2/2011 at 3:25 PM


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Re: I average 204...I should go pro!
« Reply #5 on: March 02, 2011, 10:29:41 AM »
I bowl regionals some and back a few years ago a lot more often. It was pretty much understood you could count the tour guys that were bowling and deduct that from the available spots in the money. One or two might have a bad weekend, but you better not count on it. Always tell people that the real Pro bowlers do it for a living for a reason, they are D*** good. I have crossed with Barnes and Steelsmith to name just two guys and I am always amazed at how fast they can adapt to the changes. Sometimes I became more of a fan during the tournament than a bowler just seeing what guys like Wes were doing compared to other guys. I can remember watch Wes covering the lane when I was getting maybe 10 boards of hook. We were in a wood center where Barnes is hooking plastic off the ditch when everyone else was rolling reactive and he was in the top two or three. Del Ballard won a roll off that year with a plastic at the end of qualifying too.

Roll with 900 Global.

Made in Texas! 

David Lee Yskes

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Re: I average 204...I should go pro!
« Reply #6 on: March 02, 2011, 01:08:19 PM »
yes it's always humorous to see guys, say omg your averaging 210+ or w/e you should go pro..........   
well if people only knew how tough it is to average 210+ on tour is........ they would change their minds.  
Or to even hear people say, well so n so only shot 160-170 or w/e score on TV, and I could do that....  its like really????     well lets have the lane man put down the same shot for leagues next week.......  its funny to see them get all quiet really fast.... 

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" Lift your skirt, grab your balls and learn how to bowl "


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Re: I average 204...I should go pro!
« Reply #7 on: March 02, 2011, 01:14:26 PM »
I wish you the best luck if you decide to go pro....


What are the benefits of going pro becides a few extra tournaments...

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Re: I average 204...I should go pro!
« Reply #8 on: March 02, 2011, 07:29:22 PM »
 I got a good one. Theres this insanely crazy old gimpy war veteran with a ponytail that lives here in town, and he says its his dream to win a senior pba tourney before he dies. Hes bowling 5 leagues this year, can tell you his composite average of all 5 to the hundredth after each and every set, gets printouts from the desk, the whole 9 yards. Heres the best part, he throws a backup ball, has two "high performance" ebonite whirlwinds that he buffs after every single shot (and he can tell you to the cent what he paid for them), and is so dead serious that ive never seen the guy smile, not once.

That's just like, your opinion, man.


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Re: I average 204...I should go pro!
« Reply #9 on: March 03, 2011, 07:38:22 AM »
I know the feeling, I tell people I work with or who don't know bowling that I average about 230 and I hear the same thing. I know I am not even remotely good enough to be on the tour and bowl with these guys week in and week out. I've seen first hand what happens with people who think they can, Had a bowler who wasmybe in the top 10 in the area when I was in PA, averaged consitently int he mid-230's. He sold shares of himself to raise money to go out on tour (this was back in the late 80's early 90's when you could still make some half-decent money on tour). He went out and made like 1 cut, maybe. He cashed in a few but wound up back home working cause he wasn't good enough to make it.


When people tell me this, I use Jeff Carter as my response. He averaged like 264 in league, and he only has 1 tour vicotry. He barely makes a living doing this and he is that good. So my 230 average isn't anywhere close to being good enough. That seems to open up there eyes a little bit.

