You really have to think of the research that goes into making a new line of bowling ball. They have design a new core, then they have to test it, then they have to test in several different coverstocks to see the reaction and to see how well the two mesh together. It's the same with the coverstock, test, test, test. All of this testing costs money. Then they send out so many of their balls to testers to try on everyday conditions, the testers don't buy the balls, so the cost has to be absorbed. Then add in advertisement, shipping, so and so forth. The higher priced balls have definite advantages over the mid to lower priced balls, that is common knowledge.
As far as Brett wolfe winning that tournament with a old blue hammer, if you remember, when the ball was made, it was top of the line, newest technology for the time. I have, and use one, plus I use an Inferno, and there is definitely a difference in reaction between the two.
On the other side of the coin, if you can hit the pocket perfect, with any ball, you got a pretty good chance of winning whatever you are in. Brett Wolfe had one he11 of a day, but if the tournament would have been a week later, he might not have even made it to the semi-finals.
You can always hit em hard when you've got the balls
Lefties are the only people in their right minds.