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Author Topic: I cant take loosing team members no more!  (Read 1058 times)


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I cant take loosing team members no more!
« on: October 04, 2004, 09:01:27 AM »
It's driving me nuts. I've lost at least 5 guys off my team since the middle of last season( and a few before that). They are moving, they cant afford it , they just disappear etc etc.

Now I've had one in a car wreck. The first one this season bowls the first night (doesnt pay), then doesnt come back. Leaves message after 3 weeks (I have to quit cant afford it)
The majority of  them would be  behind in paying. they dont show up  for a few  weeks, then just disappear or leave a message. At least the the guy in the wreck was payed up 2 weeks ahead.

Now it's your the captain find someone. then its your team has to make up the money for those weeks with out someone.

If we dont get someone in two weeks . I'll give my 2 weeks notice . this is just silly. its always just when the team is starting to do good. We started off good  and it looked like we might do good this season. so we lose 2 guys after 3 weeks.

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da Shiv

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Re: I cant take loosing team members no more!
« Reply #1 on: October 04, 2004, 08:21:20 PM »
I had to finally dissolve a team after a couple of years of what you described.

My main team--my Friday team--has dedicated bowlers, but even so it's a good thing we can have a ten man roster, because some of them just can't make it every Friday like they used to, either because of kids or money or both.

The economy is bad and getting worse, in spite of what we are told--at least if you work for a living.  

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David Lee Yskes

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Re: I cant take loosing team members no more!
« Reply #2 on: October 05, 2004, 04:30:22 AM »
Well i had the same problem, with a team i had on a tuesday league, two yrs ago.

We started off with 5 guys, lost a guy cuz, he didnt wanna bowl on the league anymore, but got another guy, a week later.  
But then lost another guy couple weeks later who just quit. then got another guy, who bowled for a couple weeks, but then stopped paying, cuz he got laid off, which was understandable, he said he would pay it back, cuz he got called back to his job.  
then he just quit.  owing, for nearly 8 weeks.

Well the next yr, two of the guys on the team said they didnt want to bowl anymore so i just called the league secretary and said the team wasnt going to bowl.  

now for my monday nite league, last yr we gained three new guys and have the same team this yr.  but, even on my monday nite league, we had the same team for three yrs, but before that, it seemed like we was always having a new guy every yr.  

But yes it is tough to keep a the same guys together yr after yr.  

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Re: I cant take loosing team members no more!
« Reply #3 on: October 05, 2004, 10:53:00 AM »
The thing making it bad is we are running out of bowlers. everyone is bowling already. This is a five man team league we can have 8 men on the roster.Ive never had 8 guys,been lucky to have 1 extra guy to sub sometimes.

Alot of the guys I've had to get anymore have been new bowlers just starting out. Theres no choosing options left just scrape the bottom of the barrel. I just about dont care if they are low ave, if they would just show up.

The last new guy I got aleast has bowled before and seems dependable,  but now I'm back looking again.

This is  why I wish we had a singles league just you against everyone else or a doubles league.

I've held the team spot for 10+ yrs now. I remember being the new guy. then watched all the other guys leave over time. till I was the captain and all the other guys were the new guys.  I've had a legally blind guy,a deaf one , one that was barely alive etc etc. but we kept going had a good time and would finish aleast in the middle (It wouldnt have took much to be in the top ten.if I had just a couple of good steady bowlers. but everytime we got going BAM! bye)
But the last few years  its one right after another.Oh well I'll see what happens. but next year I'm giving up the spot, I'll try and get on someone else's team and let them worry about it. So I can just come and bowl.
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Re: I cant take loosing team members no more!
« Reply #4 on: October 05, 2004, 11:47:52 AM »
Why don't you ask some of the extra bowlers on other rosters if they want to bowl on a regular basis?


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