Before some of the big mouths I bowl with get on here, let me give you my VERSION of the truth.
First, the owner of the bowling alley had a teams captain meeting and told us the oiler was broken. They could oil the lanes but couldn't strip them. We had the option of waiting an hour or so until he could get another one shipped in from his other alley or he could go ahead and oil the lanes. The league voted to go ahead and just oil the lanes.
I decided to play the twig, seemed to give me the most consistent shot.
Third game we're tied going down to the anchor bowlers. Ends up I need the first 2 in the 10th to win. Got the first two but tugged the 3rd one in, just a little afraid of the gutter. 4-9
298. I'll change my profile when I get the chance. One more plaque to go now.
~~~SrK - Have balls, will travel
Old bowlers never die, we just don't score as often