While I can certainly sympathize with your situation, maybe you're looking at the situation all wrong. Bowl ONLY in that house all year, and take that 160-170 avg to tournaments and clean house baby! Then your $900 investment may pay for itself - after all, if you're honestly trying and can't do any better, it's technically NOT SANDBAGGING, right? JK guys, don't kill me! I hate sandbaggers as much as anybody!
Leaving the league though, hmmm. I personally would stay this season and look at it as a challenge. Actually, I'm bowling in a house this year that caters to the fluffers by putting no oil outside board 10 (maybe exaggerated, maybe not, I can't tell that there's any out there though) and absolutely flying backends. I have avg. 191-195 there in the past, but have not shot 700 in that house. Therefore, 700 is my goal this year - and it will be even sweeter to do it with my pearl urethane since most everyone else uses some form of hook monster. While my style doesn't match up well to these conditions, it is very challenging - besides, I bowl in 2 other houses, so hopefully the variety of conditions and lane materials will help me improve my game. Good Luck!
Why, WHY won't the last one just fall?? It's WIGGLING for cryin' out loud!!