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Author Topic: I Dropped Out Of 2 Leagues  (Read 10921 times)


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I Dropped Out Of 2 Leagues
« on: September 16, 2003, 07:17:08 PM »
I dropped out of 2 bowling leagues already.  The reason:  No oil laid down.  Last month I spent good money on new bowling balls.  Anxious to use them I joined 3 bowling leagues.  To my disappointment I couldn’t use any of these new balls due to the house not putting any oil down or a very light coat of oil.  I was forced to use my plastic ball just to have a chance to get my ball to the one three pocket last night.  

I have yet to hit my average in overall series.  The mixed league is the only league so far with some oil down.  Still, I couldn’t believe the lack of oil in that league despite seeing the machine laying it down just before the league.

Is this a common trend in your area where centers are putting either no oil or little down?  If so, then I won’t be bowling too much longer.  I will just do open bowling from time to time for the fun of it.  I refuse to pay $17/week for bone dry or even moderate dry conditions.  This will kill the sport if this continues.  Not everybody throws the ball 20 mph!!
I want to have a 220+ average like everybody else around here, so give me fresh oil.  



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Re: I Dropped Out Of 2 Leagues
« Reply #16 on: September 17, 2003, 01:51:22 PM »
The only ones I feel sorry for are the bowlers ben-ette left behind. Left to face the uncertainity of a replacement..  BUT then again the don't have to bowl with ben-ette...
Bowling is for sissies..ask Bones...


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Re: I Dropped Out Of 2 Leagues
« Reply #17 on: September 17, 2003, 02:04:35 PM »
For the last two years, one of the three centers that I bowl in had a pretty bad lane conditioning problem.. For whatever reason, the shot would start out somewhat fair, meaning that there was some oil to play with, but not much. By the end of a session in every league that I was in, there was absolutely nothing left. I would start a session playing 10-5, and end up the 3 or 4 game set (depending on the night that I was bowling) playing 22-10. Over the summer, management changed, and the new manager happened to be a pretty close friend of mine. Knowing that she would get a fair assessment of the shot and some opinions from me, she asked what I thought needed to be done, since average scores dropped about 20 pins over that two year span. I talked to her about the shot breakdown problem and within the next month or so, the problem was solved..

The unfortunate problem with a lot of the centers in the area is that management aren't bowlers. I'm not saying that this is the way things are everywhere, but in this area, we have 1 manager that is an actual bowler and knows how to put down a fair condition. By fair shot, I mean a shot that everyone can play, but isn't so stinking easy that you can miss by 5-10 boards and still score.

As for quitting leagues, I'm with a lot of the other people here.. To me, that's a big no-no.. I've seen a few people do that in some of the leagues around the area and I can only shake my head at it when that happens.. Those people that choose to quit usually end up blackballed from leagues for a few years because no one wants to be left holding the bag for that person's spot if they decide that they're just gonna pick up and leave because things aren't going their way.


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Re: I Dropped Out Of 2 Leagues
« Reply #18 on: September 17, 2003, 02:08:10 PM »
BENNETT .. I haven't read all the replies .. sometimes I get angry when people STRAY from the question .. so if I say something someone else has said .. that's the reason!

I HAPPEN TO AGREE WITH YOU! Sure there is ADJUSTMENTS to bowling .. and YES we all have to make them. The point is SHOULD A CENTER BOOK A LEAGUE THEN LEAVE THE LANES DRY FOR THEM? Sure there are cases when there is a 6:30 league followed by a 9:00 league .. can the CENTER oil in between? PROBABLE NOT! But is there any reason WHY the 6:30 leagues should be DRY? My response to that is NO! The house has a responsibility when they BOOK a league .. if they CAN'T put oil down .. IT SHOULD BE CLEARLY STATED when the league is FORMED!

The amount of money spent on BALLS is a bowlers decision .. OIL IS EXPECTED! Let the HIGH ROLLERS get in on DRY LANES and see what their reaction is!

That's MY opinion!

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Re: I Dropped Out Of 2 Leagues
« Reply #19 on: September 17, 2003, 02:12:30 PM »
Wow! That was pretty rough! Bennett, common trend? No. Conditions vary house to house in my area. Our house is blessed with a high tech lane conditioner but some of the others still strip by hand, and etc.. I will admit frustration about struggling on the dry shots. They put a premium on consistent speed and accuracy that can be hit or miss for me. Of course, I am less likely to bowl at these houses. LOL! Do I really care whether you drop two leagues? Not really. But....league bowling isnt just about scores, if dry is all youve got, Ya gotta have fun harassing your teammates? A few drinks? Right? Yeeeaah......
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Re: I Dropped Out Of 2 Leagues
« Reply #20 on: September 17, 2003, 02:13:48 PM »
Speed does make a difference when you only throw 15 mph.  This is especially true when the lanes are dry.  Up the boards is a good shot on bone dry with a plastic, but you need speed.  If you want to carry with plastic, you need some hand even with dry lanes.  Fluffing it out will only get you 10 pins with plastic on a dry lane.  I’m not so easily fooled.  I’ve been bowling for over 30 years.  

I have developed a low backswing because I grew up bowling in the 70’s when it was a finesse game.  That is why my ball speed is low.  Yes, we bowled with plastic, rubber and urethane.  So what?  Big Deal.  Today is a different game.  My last season I averaged 210.  But what is an average? It all depends on what you bowl on right?  That was with oil laid down in a different house.  Was it heavy? No, but there was oil. I had lines I could choose from if the shot broke down.  

I’m dropping out of one of the leagues because they didn’t lay oil at all last year. They were dry the whole year.  I talked to other bowlers that bowled there last year.  I wasn’t aware of this or I wouldn’t have joined in the first place.  So, no, there isn’t a problem with the machine.  They obviously want to cut costs and be cheap.  For that kind of attitude I will be cheap and quit.  For the first 3 weeks they were bone dry and it won’t change.  In fact that league used to have 38 teams.   The captain now says they are down to just 16 teams.  So, people are quitting for those who say I’m the only one quitting.  You’re dead wrong.  

The other league I just bowled one week. Bowlers told me that they were bone dry last week.  Do you think I needed to ask any more questions?  I think not.  For the 2 leagues combined, (we are talking about 150 bowlers), there are only about 4 bowlers hitting 200.  I’m 198 in one (dry conditions) and 176 (very bone dry conditions) in the one I bowled in last night with a 529 series, the lowest series I’ve bowled in years. There was a bowler there that has a 199 average and he shot 2 games in the 140’s and a 170 some game. So, he didn't even hit 500. I was one of the higher bowlers with my 529 series.  It’s not the league for me and I have a right to drop out after the first week.  

If it was an out of the blue dry condition that didn’t happen all the time that would be one thing.  But this is going to be all of the time.  

For the person out there that came to the conclusion that I'm no athlete.  I can bench press 225 lbs 10 times easily.  I have benched close to 400lbs before. I'm a solid 210 lbs of muscle.  

Asking for some oil laid down isn’t asking for a hand out to a 300 game or an 800 series.  I just want to bowl with some oil laid down so I can use some of the $900 equipment I bought.  Judging by some of the responses on this thread I’m obviously not getting that point through.

I'm truly amazed how people erroneously come to conclusions here.  One, I'm not an athlete.  Others came to the conclusion that the lanes will only be this way a for a short time (wrong!).  One came to the conclusion that I'm the only one quitting.  Again wrong.  Another came to the conclusion that I'm asking for a hand out (oil can be laid down and still make the shot challenging). I just want some oil laid down so I can try some of my other balls out rather than using plastic all the time.

Edited on 9/17/2003 2:27 PM
I want to have a 220+ average like everybody else around here, so give me fresh oil.  


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Re: I Dropped Out Of 2 Leagues
« Reply #21 on: September 17, 2003, 02:18:37 PM »

 What about the team you left behind?
Bowling is for sissies..ask Bones...


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Re: I Dropped Out Of 2 Leagues
« Reply #22 on: September 17, 2003, 02:26:23 PM »
Joe Falco,

I think you're the only one besides maybe one or two others that is seeing my point.  That is my point.  The center that I've been bowling on for 3 weeks starts at 6:45!  There is NO excuse whatsoever to have the lanes dry IMO.  

When you buy a bowling ball, you buy it with the intentions you will have a reasonable amount of oil.  Sure dry lanes can pop up due to unexpected events (e.g. machine breaks), but this center won't lay any down.  I just refuse to pay $17 to bowl on dry lanes and be miserable week after week.  I already know I won't learn a thing on dry lanes.  How do I know that?  I used to practice on dry lanes and I did it for years.  Guess what?  I averaged in the mid 170's on bone dry lanes (in practice mind you) while I averaged 210+ with oil laid down in leagues.  I already know I can't bowl on dry lanes.  I will fully admit it.  If I could throw 20 mph I could get the ball to the pocket, but I don't have the backswing to generate that kind of speed.
I want to have a 220+ average like everybody else around here, so give me fresh oil.  


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Re: I Dropped Out Of 2 Leagues
« Reply #23 on: September 17, 2003, 02:27:50 PM »
Bennett: If you've been around here any length of time, you know that the legitimate regulars hate quitters. Pointing out that you dropped out of two leagues over shadowed anything else you had to say. Is this fair? Maybe not, but quitters and cheap bowlers get little sympathy on this board. Consider this when posting future topics.

As to the question you intended to ask, the level of dry you described seems a little extreme. I bowl in a number of houses, and what you described seems very unusual.

Did you actually talk to house management before walking out? That's obviously the first thing you should have done. If you did, I'm curious to hear what their response was.

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Re: I Dropped Out Of 2 Leagues
« Reply #24 on: September 17, 2003, 02:31:44 PM »
Well, although I'm not proud of it, I was ticked last night when I walked into league and threw my first ball and it headed toward the left gutter.  I asked management what was up and they said the lane guy came in late and they hadn't been oiled (since friday) it's now tuesday.....  I threw my 175 game with a plastic ball and then left.  I was ticked, tired, sunburnt and hungry (worked all day landscaping).  I feel that it's not worth me paying 12 dollars for them not to maintain the lanes.  I told the management i would have rather started league late (waiting on the lane guy) than having a miserable time.  I understand that things happen, but it's not a tournament guys, we go there to have fun and throw are equipment that for me takes two weeks pay to buy.  I work at another bowling alley but went there because someone asked me to.  I know it was a poor decision to leave, but so life goes, you don't have to tongue lash everyone who whines once in a while, we all do.


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Re: I Dropped Out Of 2 Leagues
« Reply #25 on: September 17, 2003, 02:42:39 PM »

....A cheap bowler that spent $900 plus another $200 for a bag to hold the balls!  That's really a logical statement.  More in line is a bowler (that spends money btw) who doesn't want to bowl in houses too cheap to lay oil. If you said that I would respect your opinion and it would have made sense.

Edited on 9/17/2003 2:54 PM
I want to have a 220+ average like everybody else around here, so give me fresh oil.  


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Re: I Dropped Out Of 2 Leagues
« Reply #26 on: September 17, 2003, 02:44:26 PM »
TruckFreak, you're absolutely correct on your statement.  There are however some bowlers who enjoy the challenge any condition is tossed at them.  We've all been in that position before, but if that particualr isn't up to the challenge then I guess he'd have no choice to quit.

A huge majority of bowlers on this site take bowling very seriously.  Despite the fact I don't quite average 200 I feel that bowling on horrendous conditions will in given time season your skills.  I have bowled on two very opposite conditions and struggled to finish the season averaging 198.  I've also had my bowler quit on me after the first part of the season for personal reasons I won't mention.

If "you" as a bowler wants to have fun then why would you quit if you aren't bowling well?  Also, if you take this sport serious enough to try and get better everyday, why would you quit if you're not adjusting right.  Some days you got it, others you don't.  

Again, I hate to adjust as much as anyone I know bowling, but if we have to do so to score better than average that's the way it is.  

I guess like Steven said most legitimate serious bowlers here hate the cheap people or quitters.

P.S. I'd love to be where you are and only spend $12 a night for league.
In the old days people used to cut wood with and days...............they just have Executioners do it for them!

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Re: I Dropped Out Of 2 Leagues
« Reply #27 on: September 17, 2003, 02:45:22 PM »

  Read Steven's reply again. He did not say you were cheap but that two things this forum tends to dislike are quitters and cheap bowlers. oops..A_P_K beat me to it.
Bowling is for sissies..ask Bones...

Edited on 9/17/2003 2:55 PM


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Re: I Dropped Out Of 2 Leagues
« Reply #28 on: September 17, 2003, 02:50:03 PM »
Bennett, I'm on your side. Bowlers need to stand up and voice their opinion about bad conditions. Too many bowlers will just say "learn to adjust, it's the same for everybody, ect...,".

This is why the conditions keep getting worse and worse..!! It's because nobody will stand up to the lane conditioning nonsense. Maybe after enough bowlers quit, proprietors and lane men will get the message.

All of you bowlers who think it's alright for the lanes to be dry and/or have terrible conditions, are puppets and have no clue what the game of bowling is really about. You won't stand up for what is right, because you don't know what is right..!!

All of the people slamming Bennett think that lanes should be different all the time, lanes should change as the night goes on, it doesn't matter what the condition is like, just bowl and keep your mouth shut, are why this game is going downhill and will never become a sport..!! =:^D


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Re: I Dropped Out Of 2 Leagues
« Reply #29 on: September 17, 2003, 02:53:30 PM »

 I would agree that you should get some oil BUT quitting is not the answer. The league should stand together on this not an individual who voices his displeasure by quitting.

Bowling is for sissies..ask Bones...


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Re: I Dropped Out Of 2 Leagues
« Reply #30 on: September 17, 2003, 02:56:23 PM »
Bennett: Please re-read the following:

If you've been around here any length of time, you know that the legitimate regulars hate quitters. Pointing out that you dropped out of two leagues over shadowed anything else you had to say.

I first emphasized that your message was being rejected because you quit. The first two sentences make this absolutely clear. Now re-read the last part:

Is this fair? Maybe not, but quitters and cheap bowlers get little sympathy on this board. Consider this when posting future topics.

I mentioned 'cheap bowlers' only in the context of major things that are despised on this forum. I could have also mentioned whiners, complainers, etc. just to round things out. Anyway, I was not calling you cheap.

Regardless, take the chip off your shoulder for a minute and please answer what I asked previously. Did you rationally and calmly talk to house management before picking up your marbles and going home? If so what was their response?



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