Just to start this, I wanna say that I'm not trying to bash or anything, but I seriously would like to know what buying new equipment has to do with any of this.. What does the pro shop have to do with how the oil in the local center is laid out? Personally, I feel that one has absolutely nothing to do with the other.. I really don't know what type of shot that you're bowling on, bennett, so I can't tell you to adjust or fix your game or anything like that, but in my experience, even dead dry lanes can be dealt with by moving to different parts of the lane and using different equipment. Personally, I'm a one ball a night kinda guy.. I actually carry 4 into a center with me at any given point, but in turn, I hardly ever use more than one, opting to move to different parts of the lane as my shot goes away. There are off occasions where moving around just won't produce any type of results, like times when you're bowling with someone that's throwing a sponge on the lane and playing across your shot, but I've found those instances to be relatively rare. If the shot is indeed dead dry across the whole lane for everyone, then you are right that this is inexcusable by the house, but to quit the leagues and leave your teammates is also inexcusable, and in my book, two wrongs have never made a right.