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Author Topic: I Dropped Out Of 2 Leagues  (Read 10920 times)


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I Dropped Out Of 2 Leagues
« on: September 16, 2003, 07:17:08 PM »
I dropped out of 2 bowling leagues already.  The reason:  No oil laid down.  Last month I spent good money on new bowling balls.  Anxious to use them I joined 3 bowling leagues.  To my disappointment I couldn’t use any of these new balls due to the house not putting any oil down or a very light coat of oil.  I was forced to use my plastic ball just to have a chance to get my ball to the one three pocket last night.  

I have yet to hit my average in overall series.  The mixed league is the only league so far with some oil down.  Still, I couldn’t believe the lack of oil in that league despite seeing the machine laying it down just before the league.

Is this a common trend in your area where centers are putting either no oil or little down?  If so, then I won’t be bowling too much longer.  I will just do open bowling from time to time for the fun of it.  I refuse to pay $17/week for bone dry or even moderate dry conditions.  This will kill the sport if this continues.  Not everybody throws the ball 20 mph!!
I want to have a 220+ average like everybody else around here, so give me fresh oil.  



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Re: I Dropped Out Of 2 Leagues
« Reply #61 on: September 19, 2003, 12:53:05 AM »
Ok so I didn't read all the post either but here's my take.  Bennett wasn't having fun and was frustrated.  If Bennett wanted to quit well ok as long as all his obligations to his teammates and the league were met.  The reasons were that he did not like the lane conditions.  OK most of us at one time or another HATE the lane conditions.  Personally I'll bowl in the back parking lot, on the roof, in the field next to the center I don't care.  I might not like the shot and I may complain and gripe.  But bowling on different and difficult conditions makes ME/Myself a better bowler.  If it were easy and I got the shot I liked all the time there would be no challenge.  It all depends on what each person likes and why they bowl.  I like trying to figure things out and making something work.  Some people just can't or don't.

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Re: I Dropped Out Of 2 Leagues
« Reply #62 on: September 19, 2003, 02:39:07 AM »
As a center owner, LOTS of things colud be wrong. Did they get a new lane machine? maybe they have not worked out the bugs!! Did they change lane finishes? That makes a HUGE difference in how much oil is needed. Is there someone different running the machine? Maybe they did not check the oil level in the machine.
Toon, it sounds like he may be bowling at your center..!! Why don't you work out the bugs before you oil the lanes for the league..? If center owners are going to make changes, then they should get all the kinks worked out before leagues start.

Bowlers shouldn't have to suffer because of the ineptitude of center owners and/or listen to their sorry excuses..!! Why don't you(center owners) learn how to do your job as a laneman, and do it good..? Is that expecting too much..?

Bowlers are complaining because you're not doing your job, so don't be blaming the bowlers for quitting or complaining..!! =:^D

Edited on 9/19/2003 2:52 AM


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Re: I Dropped Out Of 2 Leagues
« Reply #63 on: September 19, 2003, 07:13:25 AM »
This whole thread is way out of control..........childish and stupid.

While bennett's original post does come across kind of like "I'm taking my stuff home and quitting!" .....He does have some very legitimate issues.

He did get ripped a bit, but it wasn't that bad...there were a couple that were pretty heavy, but......

I would have liked to see what kind of responses he would have received if he had worded his original post something like this (this is a modified version of bennetts original post:

I am considering dropping out of 2 bowling leagues already. I'm not a quitter, but I'm really frustrated. Here's the story: No oil ! I couldn’t use any of my new balls due to the house not putting any oil down or a very light coat of oil. I was forced to use my plastic ball just to have a chance to get my ball to the one three pocket last night.

I have yet to hit my average in overall series and I'm getting really frustrated. The mixed league is the only league so far with some oil down. Still, I couldn’t believe the lack of oil in that league despite seeing the machine laying it down just before the league.

Is this a common trend in your area where centers are putting either no oil or little down?  I don't think it's right to pay $17/week for bone dry or even moderate dry conditions. This will kill the sport if this continues. Not everybody throws the ball 20 mph!!  I don't mind a difficult shot, but a "shot" is all I'm asking for.  There is nothing there !

I need to talk with our team and the owners of these centers to see what the problem is.  It just doesn't seem right. What are your thoughts?? Any one else have this problem ??

I wonder how something like that would have been received.  Not quite as "I'm quitting!" -esque

"How do you chop the 10 off the 6 ?!?!?!"

Edited on 9/19/2003 7:23 AM


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Re: I Dropped Out Of 2 Leagues
« Reply #64 on: September 19, 2003, 08:38:44 AM »
CHRIS P .. Excellent .. I knew if this post was around long enough there would be a SOUND ANSWER to the original posting. Seems like most folks here respond to the last PERSON COMMENTING!

Writing is getting a point across .. what words you use doesn't matter .. I think everyone that read the original post knew that he was UNHAPPY with LANE CONDITIONS .. all those that posted about his health and the balls he bought or the money he spent or even his ability to ADJUST were AVOIDING the issue ..It was quite clear THERE WAS NO OIL .. should the CENTER make these conditions available to a LEAGUE?

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Re: I Dropped Out Of 2 Leagues
« Reply #65 on: September 19, 2003, 08:59:44 AM »

I bowled again last night only to be disappointed.  Management won't do anything.  They kept telling me oil was laid down yet no oil came back on my ball.  I bowled last night with my a-hole crack against the ball return all night long, struggled just to hit a 574 series.  Yet, I was told this was oil compared to last year from other bowlers on the league.  I can't imagine last year!  Thanks for seeing my points.

For others,
To those out there that are saying why did I come back? I didn't!   This is my first time bowling here and this will be my last season at this center.  I've decided to stick this season out because I WANT TO BOWL and I don't want to let my friends down.  Am I having fun?  NO!  In fact one of my teamates is considering the idea of quitting!  So, I'm not alone.  Bowling on bone dry conditions all season long is crap period!  I don't understand why people are constantly saying adjust, just adjust to unbearable conditions.  Bowling on bone dry conditions can create problems in your game for cripe sake!  You start fluffing the ball, your release gets weaker due to constantly trying to take lift and turn off the ball.  Bad habits creep in your game.  This is bad for bowling.  What's wrong with the idea of having a good coat of oil laid down so those with hand can excel?  
I want to have a 220+ average like everybody else around here, so give me fresh oil.  


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Re: I Dropped Out Of 2 Leagues
« Reply #66 on: September 19, 2003, 10:11:07 AM »
I would have liked to see what kind of responses he would have received if he had worded his original post something like this (this is a modified version of bennetts original post:

I am considering dropping out of 2 bowling leagues already. I'm not a quitter, but I'm really frustrated. Here's the story: No oil ! I couldn’t use any of my new balls due to the house not putting any oil down or a very light coat of oil. I was forced to use my plastic ball just to have a chance to get my ball to the one three pocket last night.

I have yet to hit my average in overall series and I'm getting really frustrated. The mixed league is the only league so far with some oil down. Still, I couldn’t believe the lack of oil in that league despite seeing the machine laying it down just before the league.

Is this a common trend in your area where centers are putting either no oil or little down? I don't think it's right to pay $17/week for bone dry or even moderate dry conditions. This will kill the sport if this continues. Not everybody throws the ball 20 mph!! I don't mind a difficult shot, but a "shot" is all I'm asking for. There is nothing there !

I need to talk with our team and the owners of these centers to see what the problem is. It just doesn't seem right. What are your thoughts?? Any one else have this problem ??

I wonder how something like that would have been received. Not quite as "I'm quitting!" -esque

I ripped him a little... but probably would not have if he posted along the lines of what you put up there.  Personally, I don't care for quitters (if you've ever had 4 guys tell you they'll bowl a league and 3 never show up, or only show up one night then quit with no call or warning, you'll know where I'm coming from).  Also, I got the impression maybe his new arsenal didn't match up and he was just upset about that... Anyhow, that's all water under the bridge.  He said he's talking to the management and his team about the situation, and this is what he probably should have done in the first place.

Good Luck Bennett.


Why, WHY won't the last one just fall??  It's WIGGLING for cryin' out loud!!
Little Bo Peep has lost her sheep...

I wonder where they went? ;)


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Re: I Dropped Out Of 2 Leagues
« Reply #67 on: September 19, 2003, 11:27:02 AM »
Bowling on bone dry conditions can create problems in your game for cripe sake!  You start fluffing the ball, your release gets weaker due to constantly trying to take lift and turn off the ball.  Bad habits creep in your game.  This is bad for bowling.  What's wrong with the idea of having a good coat of oil laid down so those with hand can excel?  

Well, I'll politely diagree with you here.  Bowling on extreme conditions can only improve you as a bowler.  Bowling on a wall, which allows for inconsistent releases and ball speeds, creates bad habits.

Being really good on house conditions will do you no good in the PBA SW Region.  Of course, your ambitions may not include bowling on sport patterns anytime soon.  I understand that you are frustrated and that's no fun.  

Bowling is a you-against-yourself sport.  There is no defense, your opponent is bowling on the same garbage as you and should have no impact on how YOU throw YOUR ball. As I said earlier, a competitor will find the competition in this... and as a result find the fun in it.  I find satisfaction in knowing I made the best out of a situation and heaven forbid LEARNED something.

If you are not striking as much, you are shooting spares more often.  A good spare shooter will always average more than 200.  Tell me how many opens you had in your lest set.  How many were splits?  How many were converted?  How can you reduce the number of splits?  How can you improve your corner pin sparing?  If you are throwing resin at your corners and you are hooking past them... why aren't you throwing plastic or learning to throw a rope at them?  

Sometimes we all need to take an honest look at ourselves and ask if we are to blame for not doing better.  Should your bowling center be putting down more oil? Maybe.  Should a "good" bowler learn to play in the dirt? Certainly.  

Food for thought.

Tony Melendez


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Re: I Dropped Out Of 2 Leagues
« Reply #68 on: September 19, 2003, 11:57:29 AM »

A good spare shooter will always average more than 200.

Please tell me you really didn't mean to say that as an overall statement.  I've seen Parker Bohn average 179 over a 24 game block and in that general context we know what you just stated isn't true unless I'm taking something out of context of what you've stated.  You can be a good spare shooter and not hit a 200 average.  

But, I will answer your question. FYI I made all of my spares.  I had a washout (1-2-8-10)that I nearly converted but the head pin flew around the 10 pin.  I basically had some splits that kept me from hitting 200 average.  In addition, I had 2 solid 9 pin taps that hurt my second game (183).  I would have been over 200 had I carried those 9 pins.  

I used to be a fabulous spare shooter (when I carried my 210 average).  But that was when I threw a hook at my spares except for the 10 pin.  Recently this past summer I've been using my plastic ball on ALL spares unless I see a reason to throw a hook at it (e.g. double wood).  Centers aren't putting enough oil down and I'm changing to accomodate on my spares.  But, this is a big adjustment for me because for years I threw a hook at my left hand and all of my right side spares (except for the 10 pin I would go straight, I'm a right handed bowler).  I'm getting used to the plastic ball but it has taken some time.
I want to have a 220+ average like everybody else around here, so give me fresh oil.  


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Re: I Dropped Out Of 2 Leagues
« Reply #69 on: September 19, 2003, 12:02:08 PM »
then dont quit, PRACTICE EVEN HARDER, AND MORE!!!!!!

The bowling center has given you a reason to practice, DRY CONDITIONS!!

We all might not like the shots we bowl on, but I have NEVER been associated with a bowler that was a QUITTER.



Edited on 9/19/2003 12:28 PM


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Re: I Dropped Out Of 2 Leagues
« Reply #70 on: September 19, 2003, 12:32:23 PM »
Please tell me you really didn't mean to say that as an overall statement.  I've seen Parker Bohn average 179 over a 24 game block and in that general context we know what you just stated isn't true unless I'm taking something out of context of what you've stated.  You can be a good spare shooter and not hit a 200 average.  

Yes, anyone can have a bad set/day/tournament.  Because he's a good bowler doens't mean he doesn't go through slumps.  Overall, a good spare shooter will average deuce.

See PBIII's profile and his average for the years, and this is on sport patterns.

If you are an above average spare shooter, you should finish the season with a 200+ average.  If you can learn to stay behind the ball, you can still keep your revs up and get the ball down the lane with a tame backend.  If you really want to do better, you'll buy a low-end weak resin ball, like a Dyno-thane Barrage or a Storm Hot Rod, and that'll let you move your feet right and test your accuracy.  

Tony Melendez


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Re: I Dropped Out Of 2 Leagues
« Reply #71 on: September 19, 2003, 12:38:00 PM »

I should be able to pick up my ball and see the oil rings all around my ball showing the flare patterns.  Then, it would be a fair statement to say a good coat of oil is laid down and everybody has a chance to find a shot (I'm speaking a general house shot).  The cranker can play in the center, the stroker down and in and the Tweener a little swing if he/she desires.  I would have choices.  I could swing it in the center cupping and ripping or flatten my hand out a bit and become a stroker/tweener (which I have done many times).  I wouldn't be stuck with a bone dry condition all the time.  
I want to have a 220+ average like everybody else around here, so give me fresh oil.  


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Re: I Dropped Out Of 2 Leagues
« Reply #72 on: September 19, 2003, 12:45:57 PM »
I bowled last night with my a-hole crack against the ball return all night long, struggled just to hit a 574 series. Yet, I was told this was oil compared to last year from other bowlers on the league.

A lot of people (maybe even some on this site) consider a 190 avg. to be good, even on a cake shot. If you're doing that on a tough shot, why not be proud of your accomplishment?


Why, WHY won't the last one just fall??  It's WIGGLING for cryin' out loud!!
Little Bo Peep has lost her sheep...

I wonder where they went? ;)


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Re: I Dropped Out Of 2 Leagues
« Reply #73 on: September 19, 2003, 12:53:54 PM »

I'm just starting this season and I think averaging 198, 207 and 176 on the third league can't be judged yet.  It is too early yet. When I'm bowling like I'm capable of doing I don't miss too many spares.  That's how I hit 210, making my spares and taking the strikes.

I went practicing this past weekend and I did average well over duce over 33 games.  In two different houses I averaged 212 (17 games) and 215 (16 games).  My  high game was 290 for the weekend.  I think it is a fair statement to say that I can make my spares.  I just need to eliminate creeping high from time to time and avoid those solid taps (e.g. ringing 10's, solid 8's, 9's and hard 7's).  

I do have a Barrage and a Hot Wire (want to get the Hot Rod).  I shot a 243 with my barrage on the league 2 weeks ago.  In addition I shot 258,268,288=814 in a practice session with it just about a month ago.  It's a good ball.  The Hot wire I used last night.  It is drilled to arc with the pin a good 2-3 inches away from the finger hole.  I swung it out to the third arrow and that was the best shot I could find.  The other weeks I used the Barrage and plastic to go up the boards.  This past week I tried something different.  I will keep trying.
I want to have a 220+ average like everybody else around here, so give me fresh oil.  


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Re: I Dropped Out Of 2 Leagues
« Reply #74 on: September 19, 2003, 01:04:28 PM »

I'm trying to make the best out of this situation.  I just won't be back next year.  I will look around for another house that doesn't have a problem with laying oil down.
I want to have a 220+ average like everybody else around here, so give me fresh oil.  


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Re: I Dropped Out Of 2 Leagues
« Reply #75 on: September 19, 2003, 01:13:41 PM »
Cool.  I want to hear when you shoot 7 in the desert!


Why, WHY won't the last one just fall??  It's WIGGLING for cryin' out loud!!
Little Bo Peep has lost her sheep...

I wonder where they went? ;)