I bowled again last night only to be disappointed. Management won't do anything. They kept telling me oil was laid down yet no oil came back on my ball. I bowled last night with my a-hole crack against the ball return all night long, struggled just to hit a 574 series. Yet, I was told this was oil compared to last year from other bowlers on the league. I can't imagine last year! Thanks for seeing my points.
For others,
To those out there that are saying why did I come back? I didn't! This is my first time bowling here and this will be my last season at this center. I've decided to stick this season out because I WANT TO BOWL and I don't want to let my friends down. Am I having fun? NO! In fact one of my teamates is considering the idea of quitting! So, I'm not alone. Bowling on bone dry conditions all season long is crap period! I don't understand why people are constantly saying adjust, just adjust to unbearable conditions. Bowling on bone dry conditions can create problems in your game for cripe sake! You start fluffing the ball, your release gets weaker due to constantly trying to take lift and turn off the ball. Bad habits creep in your game. This is bad for bowling. What's wrong with the idea of having a good coat of oil laid down so those with hand can excel?