Wow, I'm sure glad that someone told me to check out this tread on BR. This is just like the old BR before Scott Scriver came aboard. The old BR was smash mouth and topics were locked or deleted only in extreme cases, but bashing was expected. Love it!
Well, Bennett I'm a grandfather on this site and I need to tell you a few things about people here so that you'll have a better understanding of thier opinions.
First, bowlers are CHEAP and especially BR people. As such, they don't understand why you spend $900 on bowling balls. In fact they don't even make $900 a year. Whereas $900 is a gold mine to them, its merely chump change and pocket lint for others, myself included.
Second, these sissy BR people have no backbones. They are SPINELESS! They are the very same pathetic men (and I use this term loosely) who are married to their wifes (masters) and say "yessssss deeeaaarrrrrrr." They are so p-whipped that their wives boss them around and they take it. Their wives disrespect them and they take it. They get no action from their wives and they are left begging like chumps. They are miserable human beings so to them misery loves company, which brings me to the point at hand. All these people are miserable fishes who feel that you need to join them. Since you quit and stood up for yourself they think that you are acting as if you are "too good" to be with them. So now they try to bash you. They are just jealous that you have balls and they do not.
Third, everyone knows that I love to exercise and that I am a physical enigma of glorious wonderment that chicks cannot resist. They love me and the manliness that radiates from these artistically sculptured toenails! Yes 225 for 10 is a piece of cake for these pythons known as arms. Yes I've benched over 435 in competition weighing in the 180s. No big deal. But what I can't understand is that you mention having problems throwing the ball over 15 mph yet you claim physical prowess of a semi-manly man? HUH? 15 mph is slower than watching grass grow. That is old lady (Roocat) speed. What kind of manly guy who oozes machoness can't throw the ball fast?
Bennett<~~~HeMan in the weight room SheMan in the bowling alley.
I expect more of you because if you are 210 lb of solid muscle then you should be able to throw the ball hard especially after bowling for so long. And since you claim to be an athlete you should be able to rev it up as well. There's no point in being buff if you throw the ball like a cream puff. But not to worry, you are not alone here on BR because Dave Saw Mill claims to be manly (marine of 16 years) yet he too throws the ball like a sissy with no speed and no revs. Are you guys brothers? Sisters?
All in all, great topic and I'd quit league at the drop of a hat if it wasn't worth it for me. Team?

Who cares I do what's right for me.
Peach<~~~as manly as I wanna be.
"If the lanes are sh*t, you need not commit." Johnny Cockjam
pchee2<~~~strokin the ball with cranker revs and spraying the lanes for an average of a buck 62. This guy is full of STUFF!
Edited on 9/20/2003 3:57 AM