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Author Topic: I feel bad for my generation of bowlers  (Read 2045 times)


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I feel bad for my generation of bowlers
« on: March 04, 2005, 04:09:19 AM »
I am 16, almost 17, and from the way people talk about bowling the way it USED to be, I feel bad for the people in my generation. Its so bad now, that I am embarassed to wear a patch that says 100 pins over average, or 250 game, or 650 series. I CONSTANTLY feel like I should be doing better, especially when I am at tournaments with kids that have been bowling their whole lives. I was wearing my tournament shirt at the last one I was at, and I have 2 patches on it. One on each sleeve. One is a 650 series patch and one is a 100 pins over average game patch. I was at a restaraunt with a bunch of people afterwards, and one of the girls jokingly said "oh I see your doing the same thing as me with your shirt, putting all the bad patches on". Well....I felt like an utter IDIOT, because those are the best I've done, and here she is, along with like everyone else basically that bowls in these tournaments saying thats bad to them. I felt like crap. I just feel its not fair for my generation to NOT be able to take pride in a good game or series becase of how easy conditions are now. Its not fair that when I shoot my best series or game ever I get laughed at for wearing a patch for it.
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Re: I feel bad for my generation of bowlers
« Reply #1 on: March 04, 2005, 12:24:26 PM »
BK, first off don't buy too much into the hype that things are SOOO much easier no than they were yesterday.  Yes scoring conditions are more favorable, and yes honor scores are up.  However, YOU still are responsible for making the shots, and many people have a hard time doing so.

If you look on Bones and others posts, they will all admit that there were ways back in the day of getting to the pocket.  They still for the most part found a track to play in, minipulated their balls to get better scoring, and grumbled about something or another.  It's funny, every time I watch the highlights of older bowlers, I notice them carrying half pocket strikes, and getting robbed on good shots as well.  

People today have a tremendous amount of knowledge about sports, moreso than yesteryear.  With the advent of the internet, a serious bowler can get some good tips on building a strong foundation game.  While people can guy "cheater" balls and have the odd good game or so, same as golf, people can buy the "cheater" clubs and maybe have a good hole.  

Don't get down on yourself or not be proud of your accomplishments.  The awards you're getting now will only get bigger down the road.  Bowling today may be of a different era, but it is still bowling, and it still takes quite a bit of skill to master it.
D <~~~~ Used to be terrible wiffing 10 pins.  Now through much practice, can wiff any single pin spare at any time.

Darrell Guzman
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Re: I feel bad for my generation of bowlers
« Reply #2 on: March 04, 2005, 01:11:47 PM »
All those youth achievements are fine take pride in what you have accomplished it is a milestone for you. But you have to put scoring in perspective.  

You have to realize that we had the same kind of patches in the 1960’s just the numbers on them where significantly lower. Each is a milestone in its own rite.

I grew up in a small town so scores were a little limited by numbers but in my youth leagues there wouldn’t be 10 600 series shot in a year and no one would shoot over 640. High average would be around 175.

It is so much easier today to get to the pocket than when I was a youth. What we bowled on then was almost a sport shot by today’s standards plus the carry was bad.

I did not see a 300 ring until I had been bowling over 15 years. Even then in the larger houses there wouldn’t be more than a couple of bowlers who had shot one. Today about every decent men’s league has at least a half dozen bowlers with 300’s.



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Re: I feel bad for my generation of bowlers
« Reply #3 on: March 04, 2005, 01:27:30 PM »
BK, you still a good bowler man. What happens everytime I get a high game and I tell you?? Your high game goes up another ten pins and I must hang my head in I think you have a good future in bowling. I wish I could throw the ball like you do. So keep your head up. Soon those kids will be eating your dust.
Can't sleep, pins are laughing
Can't sleep, pins are laughing...

Hate those dreams where everything is good and when you wake up its all gone. I keep having a re-occuring one about me bowling GOOD!


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Re: I feel bad for my generation of bowlers
« Reply #4 on: March 04, 2005, 01:29:24 PM »
Dan, you're forgetting one CRUCIAL point here..........You've been bowling ONE year!  You're WAY ahead of everyone!  You should be laughing in their faces!  I bet you anything that they didn't have a 694, and 276 game after 1 year!

And besides, when someone says somethin, let me know.  I'll take 'em out for you.
- Andy

Brunswick....'Nuff said.

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Re: I feel bad for my generation of bowlers
« Reply #5 on: March 04, 2005, 01:37:52 PM »
seriously, I feel I should be doing soooooooooooo much better.. I practice basically everyday, have a 300 under my belt, and im only averaging 180's?? Pretty much everyone I work with (at the alley) makes fun of me cause I have a low average compared to them, even though most of them don't even have 300's. Its very irritating when you put so much into somehting and get very little back from it.
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Re: I feel bad for my generation of bowlers
« Reply #6 on: March 04, 2005, 01:39:22 PM »
LMFAO! Thanks andy, thanks sean, thanks everyone. I guess I'm just too hard on myself. I just really want to be the best I can at bowling cuz its something I'm semi-good at and the only thing I've ever stuck with.
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Re: I feel bad for my generation of bowlers
« Reply #7 on: March 04, 2005, 01:42:10 PM »
Its not the actual 'wearing of the patches' that I'm talking about though. I'm just talking about the attitudes of people now.
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Re: I feel bad for my generation of bowlers
« Reply #8 on: March 04, 2005, 02:51:45 PM »
you have many years to work on your game, your just a kid it really does not matter, just keep setting goals and have fun

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Re: I feel bad for my generation of bowlers
« Reply #9 on: March 04, 2005, 02:59:27 PM »
Dan: For one year bowling you've made some great accomplishments. You have a decent knowledge of equipment, you are learning how to play the lanes in league and at a number of different houses in tournaments, and you've been able to shoot well enough to earn a couple of patches. Keep up the great work, don't be so hard on yourself and good things will continue to happen. I didn't shoot my first 700 series until bowling for 13 years, and I'm still seeking out my first 300 after bowling for 30 years.

I know that year two and beyond will be even better for you.



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Re: I feel bad for my generation of bowlers
« Reply #10 on: March 04, 2005, 03:10:48 PM »
BK - always be proud of what you accomplish.  You seem like a good guy.  Let the opinions and comments of Miss "oh I see your doing the same thing as me with your shirt, putting all the bad patches on" and others like her bounce off you.  Mean people suck.  If a person can't contribute something positive to your life, that person is best ignored.

I still have my "AJBC 125 Game" patch and I'm still proud of it.

Kill the back row (or maybe this should read "make your spares, dummy")


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Re: I feel bad for my generation of bowlers
« Reply #11 on: March 04, 2005, 04:11:34 PM »
man its just something u have to live with...when i first started bowling scratch at like 14 i was -5 for a day...the cut was like 80 up, i felt real small

gradually i improved taking a few top fives throughtout the years of hardly bowling that many finishing 5th last year as an individual for states

i dont see it as making yourself feel bad its more about motivation to get better and eventually eclipse those ppl...dont feel bad cause most of them could only hit a wall

just stick with bowling work on your physical game, gettin out of the ball
consistently and your scores will be up in no time...just be patient

ps switch to morich
its all simple physics

Edited on 3/4/2005 5:07 PM


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Re: I feel bad for my generation of bowlers
« Reply #12 on: March 04, 2005, 04:21:57 PM »
ps switch to morich

PSH YEA RIGHT! Brunswick baby!
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Re: I feel bad for my generation of bowlers
« Reply #13 on: March 04, 2005, 04:35:39 PM »
I wont face them till I go to scratch. You know what though? Now that I think about it, when there is a THS, she does good, but whenever a tough shot rolls around shes always complaining. lol...hmmmmm
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Re: I feel bad for my generation of bowlers
« Reply #14 on: March 04, 2005, 04:51:10 PM »
I take into consideration that our house has had only 11 300 games in the 8 years it has existed. Now in another house, a lot easier I must mention, at least 5 or 6 are shot each week. Whether there is better bowlers over there or it is just easier I dont know. I read where 10 years old bowling perfect games. It's embarassing that they've done that already and yourself, being a 15, have not. Keep in mind that the house does have an huge effect on the outcome of the scores. An  in our house told me that I'd be averaging 210-215 in any other house, but here I average 195.
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