You know what I find funny? If you remember a while back on THIS SAME THREAD that I'm posting on right now (read all the replies to find it, his NEW name is Superman), a guy that was named 300shooter was cutting me down for my 800 and saying that he shot 868 and all that crap? Well, he's changed his name to Superman.
And not only that, he told me the following when I shot mt 800 (it's all right here on this same thread)...
"800's are a dime a dozen anymore. I shot 299-269-300 last night in our scratch summer classic league. 868 and I didn't even get excited. I felt like I cheated because the lanes were so soft."
But yet, his profile says the following (as long as he hasn't changed it after reading this)...
"never had a 300 game, highest average ever 202. did have a 290 (11 in a row) last year, with the last 11 in a row."
So what's the deal? I thought he said that he'd never shot a 300? But as you can see, his 868 included a 300! Why cut me down for my 800, when he's never even came close?
Check out this very thread/post for proof... It's on the 1st page!
What a chidish thing to do, Mr. Superman!!!