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I found this quote on another thread...
« on: April 18, 2008, 01:54:14 AM »
and rather than hijack the womens collegiate bowling thread, I thought I'd start a new one.

The comment was
Some of the girls were rather large which would definitely cut down on accuracy.

I personally am offended by this remark...
I'm 'rather large' - and the biggest flaw in my game IS my accuracy. I'm too accurate for today's game. And - admittedly - if I were narrower, I'd have more boards available to move, but as far as I know, that's the only issue.

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Re: I found this quote on another thread...
« Reply #16 on: April 24, 2008, 10:45:53 AM »
I'm sure you're not as large as my teammate .
He weighed in at 400-500 lbs...Never would tell us.

I never saw him bowl with his feet right of 35th board...that was when he was targeting at about 12 board...straight up.

He was deadly accurate, was a scratch golfer, but could only average in the 180s.
He was limited by the width of the bowling lane. I think if the lane was 5 feet wide he would have averaged well over 200. His span was 6-7/8".

I don't think size affects accuracy...I know size affected my friend's knees, though...cut his bowling career short...a
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Re: I found this quote on another thread...
« Reply #17 on: April 24, 2008, 10:45:54 AM »
I am not small fry but that doesnt affect my game, i also look to be accurate not just fling the ball.
Oil is served Best with fingers!
Why does the 8 Pin laugh at me!

Oil is served Best with fingers!
Why does the 8 Pin laugh at me!



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Re: I found this quote on another thread...
« Reply #18 on: April 24, 2008, 10:54:25 AM »
6'2" 375, and I have never had problems.

It's all about the Mold that everyone wants you in.
If I were skinny I could not use the 70-75' of lane that I use
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Re: I found this quote on another thread...
« Reply #19 on: April 24, 2008, 10:56:46 AM »
ladys I do not buy being '' to accurate''  not possible, if you are not carrying on the THS then you need to make small adjustments half board quarter board entry angle is bad.

Thong Pricess, The players that stand left and throw right DO NOT always carry better I see much better carry when playing right and straighter than left swinging it and bringing it.
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Dan Belcher

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Re: I found this quote on another thread...
« Reply #20 on: April 24, 2008, 11:04:00 AM »
Being too accurate can definitely be a bad thing, at least in the THS aspect.  Myself and another guy I bowl with were among the most accurate people in our league, able to hit our marks with impunity, but we were always leaving 10-pins because for whatever reason we weren't carrying.  We were able to average over 200 because we can pick up our spares, but on first shots we would hit and leave a 10, sometimes a 7, on a flush pocket hit; while in the next lane over some guy who basically picks up the ball, stands way left, drifts half a lane, throws it right and has one of the worst forms ever is carrying everything.
If you can actually adjust to get better entry angle, plus increase your power and revs a little while still maintaining that level of accuracy, you would carry just as well as, if not better than, the spray-and-pray guy.

Accuracy on a THS has nothing whatsoever to do with your carry percentage.  Your entry angle and the ball speed/rev rate combination are the defining factors of whether or not you leave a 10 pin.  Sacrificing power for accuracy or vise versa is going to result in either lots of corner pins but always in the pocket, or lots of strikes but designer splits and so forth when you do miss the pocket.  If you can combine a more powerful release with good accuracy and complement it with the right ball selection and play the lanes correctly, you'll carry the world on a house shot AND be in the pocket consistently.  See how many different variables fall into that equation?


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Re: I found this quote on another thread...
« Reply #21 on: April 24, 2008, 11:08:46 AM »
When I hear this accuracy thing I think of the exhibition that Richie Sposato of Lane 1 performed for us a couple of years ago at Magic Carpets!

Throwing with his powerful no thumb release....on a bouncy and seemingly harsh chameleon pattern that many of us(like all!) struggled to break 200 on.....
Richie shot what....815? By splicing boards up the 4 board with a pin on axis drilled clear XXXL!  
As was commented on accurately by Ron C....even if the rest of us had thrown that accurately...(we can't) we would not have carried like Richie because we don't have that powerful release he has!

I believe the reason for lower scoring is something lacking in the let go!  Freedom, flat spot, speed, and ball weight combined with a moderate amount of accuracy on a top hat, or a lot on a sport shot seem to lead to lots of pins being mowed down!


PS I particularly made this post for ThongPrincess who got to see this demo also!  It was amazing a great combination of powerful release AND accuracy!
Open the door...see what's possible...and just walk right on through...that's how easy success feels..

Edited on 4/24/2008 2:09 PM
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Re: I found this quote on another thread...
« Reply #22 on: April 24, 2008, 01:26:50 PM »
Too accurate ???? That's the craziest thing I have heard yet.
I don't care how easy the patterns are, the more accurate you are, the better you can score.

Sorry, but I have to call BS on this theory.


I know exactly what mumzie is talking about and LL hit on it also.  Too accurate is hitting your mark but not swinging enough boards or having a strong enough release to bring that ball back and create area and pin action.  I have been "adapting" to THS conditions and have laxed on my accuracy for more swing and more revs.  My average has gone up 8-10 pins since i have started doing this.


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Re: I found this quote on another thread...
« Reply #23 on: April 24, 2008, 02:20:56 PM »
Too accurate ???? That's the craziest thing I have heard yet.
I don't care how easy the patterns are, the more accurate you are, the better you can score.

Sorry, but I have to call BS on this theory.


I know exactly what mumzie is talking about and LL hit on it also.  Too accurate is hitting your mark but not swinging enough boards or having a strong enough release to bring that ball back and create area and pin action.  I have been "adapting" to THS conditions and have laxed on my accuracy for more swing and more revs.  My average has gone up 8-10 pins since i have started doing this.

Thats not "too accurate" Thats hitting the intended mark again and again when that mark is WRONG. If you are very accurate and that leads to the lanes changing, then you need to learn to "stay ahead" of it by saying, ok, I know the lanes are going to change, maybe I will move a half board every 4th frame on that particular lane. Being accurate and even deadly accurate doesn't mean anything if your intended target is the wrong one.
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Re: I found this quote on another thread...
« Reply #24 on: April 24, 2008, 09:01:57 PM »
I would love to hear somebody use that excuse for losing sometime. "I lost because I was too accurate" I'd probably pee my pants if I ever heard them say it.

I bowled on a tough heavy long oil pattern a few weeks back. In our group there we a few different styles of bowlers. Everything from the crank it up and let it fly, to the smoothe strokers. I fit into the latter group.
The power crankers had an easier time, and they weren't the most accurate bowlers I have seen, far from it actually. They had enough rotation to swing the ball out and get back to the pocket.
Us strokers basically had to send the ball straight down into the pocket, and get whatever pin action we could hope for.

Now what hurt us strokers.?? Were we too accurate, is that why we got beat ???
Or was it our lack of power to get the ball to swing ???

What would happen if somebody could put the revs that the crankers were putting on their balls, and hit the same mark shot after shot ??? Would that accuracy hurt them ????

Saying you lost because you are too accurate is just an excuse for losing. PERIOD !! It's nothing more than you making the same BAD shot over and over.Your accuracy isn't the problem, it's a lack of adjustment.

That's all for now. I'm going out to play Walter Ray for some dough. As accurate as he is, and as bad as I am, I should make a fortune...

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Re: I found this quote on another thread...
« Reply #25 on: April 25, 2008, 10:38:08 AM »
I would love to hear somebody use that excuse for losing sometime. "I lost because I was too accurate" I'd probably pee my pants if I ever heard them say it.

I bowled on a tough heavy long oil pattern a few weeks back. In our group there we a few different styles of bowlers. Everything from the crank it up and let it fly, to the smoothe strokers. I fit into the latter group.
The power crankers had an easier time, and they weren't the most accurate bowlers I have seen, far from it actually. They had enough rotation to swing the ball out and get back to the pocket.
Us strokers basically had to send the ball straight down into the pocket, and get whatever pin action we could hope for.

Now what hurt us strokers.?? Were we too accurate, is that why we got beat ???
Or was it our lack of power to get the ball to swing ???

What would happen if somebody could put the revs that the crankers were putting on their balls, and hit the same mark shot after shot ??? Would that accuracy hurt them ????

Saying you lost because you are too accurate is just an excuse for losing. PERIOD !! It's nothing more than you making the same BAD shot over and over.Your accuracy isn't the problem, it's a lack of adjustment.

That's all for now. I'm going out to play Walter Ray for some dough. As accurate as he is, and as bad as I am, I should make a fortune...


You really are a retard aren't you?!  You and a few others just don't get it.
THS conditions DO NOT play the same as Sport and PBA conditions.  Playing Sport and PBA conditions force you to be more accurate.  Lets look at WRW, he is very accurate but when the lane conditions open up a but for the crankers.  He usually gets beat because of carry.  How many single pin, good pocket hits has WRW left? TONS!!!  He is damn accurate.

THS conditions require rev's and speed.  Sit back and watch one of these high rev fast speed bowlers one of these days.  One shot will go over 15 board at the arrows out to the 5 and hit the pocket for a strike.  Next shot will be 20 out to 10 and hit the pocket for a strike.  Another will be 14 out to 2 and come back for a strike.  20 to 6 come back hit light and throw pins everywhere for a strike.  

Then you have the less rev's, less speed but accurate bowler(not accurate like WRW).  Accurate for us NON pro's is 1-2 boards.  Less rev's is going to play around 10 out to 6 or 5.  Will use mumzie since she posted this.  Mumzie throws and hits her mark at arrows but doesn't swing out to 5 board, instead hits 7 board.  Theres more oil so it skids a little, hits the pocket but leaves a 10 pin.  Another non strike but good throw, she hits the 9 board at arrows goes out to 5 board goes high flush but leaves the 4 pin.

You yourself said that the strokers(including yourself) had a hard time, were more accurate than the crankers, yet you got beat.
I don't think anyone on here was using being too accurate as an excuse for getting beat.
Conditions nowadays reward the high rev faster speed bowler
Do you understand now what is meant by too accurate on THS conditions or do I have to draw you a picture?

Dan Belcher

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Re: I found this quote on another thread...
« Reply #26 on: April 25, 2008, 10:47:04 AM »
So in other words, there is no such thing as "too accurate."  There IS such a thing as "too low speed/too low revs."  Those are two totally different things.  Increasing rev rate generally makes it harder to be accurate, yes, but just because you have power does not necessarily mean you're not accurate.  Therefore, trying to say that you are too accurate for a house shot just makes no sense.  Saying you're not overpowering the lanes and the pins, however, does.

(And even then, the highest averages in all of my leagues this year came from tweeners.  They are the accurate, medium rev rate, medium speed bowlers who stay in the pocket and can adjust well to generate carry.  Sure the spray-and-pray guys might throw higher games sometimes, but they also make up for it with their lower games when the lanes transition, etc.)


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Re: I found this quote on another thread...
« Reply #27 on: April 25, 2008, 10:53:39 AM »
 Read Skizriz's profile-----a 176 average???????Maybe HE needs to work on accuracy.I'd put my money on mumzie if they were to bowl head to head.This person has no idea of what accuracy means yet.Maybe he should have kept bowling with the ball he retired and spent the money that he did on buying the Cell on lessons and practice time instead.

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Re: I found this quote on another thread...
« Reply #28 on: April 25, 2008, 11:01:06 AM »
I disagree I see very small people having issues going around thier bodies and bringing there swing out of alignment.  It has more to do with where you start the ball.  If it is directly in front of you it has no choice but to go around you.  I start with the ball on my right hip so it is more straight back and straight thru.

Phoneman is correct!  Being a large guy myself, I have to face right and hold the ball off to my right to align and clear the hip.  Shooting spares on my left, I obviously 'square up'.  Where you start the ball dictates the path your armswing will take.  This more so with a larger torso.
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Re: I found this quote on another thread...
« Reply #29 on: April 25, 2008, 11:07:51 AM »
I am not positive there is such a thing as Too Accurate when bowling on a THS.  A friend of mine says that he is and really not the case. Yes he consistantly hits his mark and gets to the pocket. What he fails to realize is that in some instances the entry angle is off or it may be that the speed is slightly off, etc.... Accuracy or better yet scoring is done by not only hitting your target, getting the ball to the 17 1/2 board at the right angle...etc...

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When in the Course of human events it becomes necessary for one people to dissolve the political bands which have connected them with another and to assume among the powers of the earth, the separate and equal station to which the Laws of Nature and of Nature's God entitle them, a decent respect to the opinions of mankind requires that they should declare the causes which impel them to the separation.

We hold these truths to be self-evident, that all men are created equal, that they are endowed by their Creator with certain unalienable Rights, that among these are Life, Liberty and the pursuit of Happiness. — That to secure these rights, Governments are instituted among Men, deriving their just powers from the consent of the governed, —

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Re: I found this quote on another thread...
« Reply #30 on: April 25, 2008, 11:25:08 AM »
Going back to the original post, I too am concerned by any suggestions that weight has anything to do with accuracy. I've seen all shapes and sizes get the job done.

However, I do agree with Dan's assessment on accuracy:

So in other words, there is no such thing as "too accurate." There IS such a thing as "too low speed/too low revs." Those are two totally different things. Increasing rev rate generally makes it harder to be accurate, yes, but just because you have power does not necessarily mean you're not accurate. Therefore, trying to say that you are too accurate for a house shot just makes no sense.

The premise that the 'spray and pray' bowler dominate the THS shots simply isn't true. Heck, I'm an older 'medium revs' guy who booked 230+ the past two years, and it's based on accuracy. If I was 'more accurate', I'm sure I could get it closer to 240. The bottom line is that you can't be too accurate for a house shot. If you're extremely accurate and not getting the job done, i that more to do with angle of entry, speed vs. revs, etc.
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