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Author Topic: I give you the ultimate arsenal challenge!!!  (Read 2204 times)


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I give you the ultimate arsenal challenge!!!
« on: June 22, 2004, 11:18:31 AM »
Here's your challenge.  I haven't been keeping up in the bowling world for about 6 months.  I would like to hear everyone's opinion on how many balls make up a good arsenal.  I personally think 4 would do (spare/burnt lane ball, dry, medium, and heavy).  Tell me how many, then tell me which balls, and what drill patterns.  Hopefully, this will give me ideas as I'm thinking of moving up in weight, and get me caught up in the rapid pacced world of bowling balls.

Mr. H



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Re: I give you the ultimate arsenal challenge!!!
« Reply #1 on: June 23, 2004, 02:26:18 AM »
Do you have any suggestions?  I've kind of fallen out of the new ball of the month loop so to say, so I'm not sure what's really floating the fancies of the bowling crowd as of late.


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Re: I give you the ultimate arsenal challenge!!!
« Reply #2 on: June 23, 2004, 02:51:08 AM »
The thing is, I'm currently throwing 14 lbs though.  It's time to move up to 15 lbs I think.  I feel like I'm kind of throwing away all the money I spent on my arsenal, but I want to cut my loses before I get even deeper into it.  Right now, the inferno is heavy oil for me, and the detonator is basically my flood ball.  I'm a medium-high rev lefty with a lot of axis rotation, so keeping my reaction mild will probably be key.  I was thinking along the lines of hammer urethane, barbed wire, zone classic, and depth charge possibly?


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Re: I give you the ultimate arsenal challenge!!!
« Reply #3 on: June 23, 2004, 03:08:21 AM » goes nothin...

On the heavier end of the spectrum, quite a few releases lately have caught the eye of Joe Bowler...including, but not limited to, Phenom Unleashed, Animal, Mayhem, Big Blue, Power Diesel, Killer Instinct Sanded, Ultimate Inferno, Full Throttle, Alter Ego, Triumph TNT, and so on...

For mediums, there have been...including, but not limited to, Havoc, Crunch Time, Triple X Factor, Hot Wire, Apocalypse, Onslaught, Big Block Diesel, Big Blue Pearl, Vicious Attack, Vicious Strike, Killer Instinct Pearl, Vendetta Particle Pearl, Element Au79, Thing Returns, Stinger Low-Flare Particle, V2 Clean, Formula, Ego, Wired, Throttle/R, Monster Bruiser, Blazing Inferno, Inferno, Raging Inferno, Triumph, Triumph AMP, and so on...

For the lighter side, we've seen...including, but not limited to, Crash, Dry Heat, Barbed Wire, Razor Wire, Sonic X Solid, Sonic Boom, Ravage, Pure Hammer, V2 Dry, Flipside Wild, Flipside Fear, Monster Slay/R, and so on...

Now for the disclaimers...

In the above list, I have just named balls that came off the top of my head...I tried not to be biased, though I have left all Lane #1 balls off the list.  It is not because I don't like Lane #1 (which I can't say) i'm just not familiar with their equipment so I really can't make any suggestions about them.  

Any balls that I have left off the list (a few I can think of now is the Phenom, Anomaly, etc.) were by accident and this is meant as a discussion-starter, not the end-all list of recently released equipment.

Which reminds me, I tried to keep the list to more recently released balls, and also tried to avoid balls that have been discontinued, though I have failed (Hot Wire, Blazing Inferno, etc.)

Also, most of the balls in the Heavier oil section can be used on Medium-Heavy and perhaps even Medium.  The balls in the Medium oil section cover a wide spectrum from Medium-Light to Medium-Heavy.  The balls in the Lighter oil section can cover the Sahara or even Medium-Light.

Hope I remembered as much as I could...if you have any questions, contact me directly or reply to this message, if you reply here, MANY other people will be willing to help you as well.
Andrew Loose
"King of Them All"
"Evolutionary. Revolutionary."
Just because you can, doesn't mean you should


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Re: I give you the ultimate arsenal challenge!!!
« Reply #4 on: June 23, 2004, 01:24:42 PM »
Woah. Thanks a lot.  Gives me a lot to think about.  Anymore suggestions? Bump.


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Re: I give you the ultimate arsenal challenge!!!
« Reply #5 on: June 23, 2004, 01:34:44 PM »
It realy depends. Do you want balls set for sport shots, house shots? DO you bowl in alot of tournments or just a few? Were do you generaly play on the lane?
Bowl To Win!!!


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Re: I give you the ultimate arsenal challenge!!!
« Reply #6 on: June 23, 2004, 02:14:11 PM »
Here is a great start. Agree with Loose5682 on his choices.
I will give you one of each.

Mayhem (Morich). Awesome hevay oil ball! Bowlers ER
Pro Shop suggestion !
My personal favorite for mediums, original X-Factor !
or the Big Blue Pearl (awesome)
Dry Lanes - Storm Barb Wire, surprisingly straight or
my particle spare ball (it goes so straight), AMF Scamp
and I do prefer a plastic spare ball, love the Viz-A-Ball
they go super straight.



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Re: I give you the ultimate arsenal challenge!!!
« Reply #7 on: June 23, 2004, 02:22:24 PM »
I would say for a complete league/tournament arsenal
6 balls should do.

1 flood
Supper Carbide Bomb, Midnight Scorcher, Phenom Unleashed etc.

1 Bone dry
Blue dot, spare storm anything polyester with a pancake block.

Then 4 in between that can be used for leagues or tournaments

Med heavy
Burgandy Gryphon, Charcoal Executioner, Fear factor, Animal

Charcoal Execution (315 drill)

Med dry
Crimson Executioner, G-3 Gryphon, Messenger Ti Pearl

Slate Blue Gargoyle/ Green gargoyle

I think it is more important to have a ball that does what you want it to do,
then change the cover on it.  


I am thinking about going to an all Executioner lineup

*Charcoal Label leverage sanded 320 flood
Charcoal 315 leverage box condition med/oil
*Charcoal 315 800/1000 polish med
*Crimson Stacked leverage box med/dry
Crimson 315 leverage dry

The my *Slate blue for bone dry.
*I have these balls already with the mentioned drill patterns.
Just don't have the 320 sanded.

I like the look that the 315 drill gives me, and the Charcoal has
a flexible coverstock, so it is easy to make adjustments on the fly.
Eric T. Spivey, P.E.
 Visionary Test Staff Member


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Re: I give you the ultimate arsenal challenge!!!
« Reply #8 on: June 23, 2004, 02:50:01 PM »
I agree with thirty on the Barbed Wire for lighter and the Big Blue Pearl for medium, however, as per my personal experiences, I'd go with a Phenom Unleashed (as Eric said) on heavier and an Apocalypse (roto-grip) for mediums.  The Phenom is suprisingly versatile and with the right drill/coverstock prep combo, you could make the ball do most anything.  The Apocalypse is just overall a great ball.  Clean through the fronts, not too flippy on the back (though can be if polished, mine isn't) and the hitting power is just phenomenal.
Andrew Loose
"King of Them All"
"Evolutionary. Revolutionary."
Just because you can, doesn't mean you should


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Re: I give you the ultimate arsenal challenge!!!
« Reply #9 on: June 23, 2004, 05:25:36 PM »
I have a six ball carrier, so I could carry 6 I suppose.  I don't really want to (and neither does my wallet), as it's heavy and bulky, and switching weights, while getting 6 balls is hundreds and hundreds of dollars.  I'm thinking of trying to get two used three ball carriers from this forum in exchange for my six ball and some cash.

This is quite the dilema.  I don't know if I should move up weights, and if so what to get, and how do I get them to the alley, all while not trying to break the wallet.


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Re: I give you the ultimate arsenal challenge!!!
« Reply #10 on: June 23, 2004, 06:16:27 PM »
For cheap prices, this should cover it:

Dry - Blue Dot or Target Zone
Light - Monster Slay/R or Barbed Wire
Medium - Monster Bruiser or Hot Wire
Heavy - Swamp Monster or Blade Particle

For more expensive, this is better:

Dry - XXXL or V2 Dry
Light - X-Factor or Blazing Inferno
Medium - Super Charge or Killer Instinct Pearl
Heavy - Alter Ego or Killer Instinct Sanded
Hi, I'm Josh.



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Re: I give you the ultimate arsenal challenge!!!
« Reply #11 on: June 23, 2004, 06:32:13 PM »
I'm liking the plastic, barbed wire, hot wire, and blade particle combo.  Overall, they seem like good balls, all at a cheap price.


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Re: I give you the ultimate arsenal challenge!!!
« Reply #12 on: June 23, 2004, 06:33:48 PM »
I am going with 6 right now, but for big tournaments, I'll take 8.  In the 6 ball aresenal, I want a spare ball, a good medium-dry lane ball drilled to go long, (Hot Wire), good medium oil ball, drilled to go long and turn hard, and dominate the house shots, (Inferno), and 3 oil balls, one reactive, drilled to go long, and two particles, one stacked, and one drilled to roll early, and be very even and arcy, (Triple Xtreme X-Factor, drilled to go long, Fear Factor, stacked, and Warp Zone, drilled to roll early).  I'm still experimenting with it, but this is where I'm at for now.


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Re: I give you the ultimate arsenal challenge!!!
« Reply #13 on: June 23, 2004, 08:01:45 PM »
I don't bowl in that many tournaments.  I mostly bowl for my high school team.  The shots range from easy house shots, to reverse blocks and such.  Never really a sport shot, but I've had a few times where it was close to one.