We've from time to time said that one thing we don't like in league is the folks who are never there when it's their turn. I've been thinking about how to tell people how much time it should take to bowl. Particularly I've been ranting about people bowling on "my" time. Here's the deal:
a five man team bowls 150 frames a night in a 3 game set. Ideally I think it should take about 1 minute per player, per frame; so, 150 minutes total plus an extra couple of minutes between games maybe. Thusly, 2 1/2 hours + a tad. Does this sound unreasonable to anyone? What I'm saying is that from the time the person ahead of you bowls until you finish your frame would ideally take 1 minute. Sounds short, but in reality a minute is a long time, especially if the bowlers strike now and again. Do you think I'm being unreasonable about the "my time" thing? In effect when Harry is in the bar smoking and doesn't show up to bowl for 3 minutes, then takes another minute hasn't he used 3 minutes of "my time?" And when Harry, Doug, and Sally all are in the bar several times a night doesn't that take up as much as 1/2 an hour of my time?
Also, the other night I was told by an employee of the center, bowling on the other team, that he wasn't taking his turn on time because he was talking to his boss. Again, why is he using my time to talk to the boss?
Ok, maybe I'm exhibiting "old codger syndrome" here, but I really get tired of being in the bowl from 7 to 10 or later, then going home to have dinner (I hate eating before I bowl.)
"A little sincerity is a dangerous thing, and a great deal of it is absolutely fatal." Oscar Wilde
Ragnar sure likes to throw his purdy Uranium Buzzsaw.