Personally, I'd take the outside edge with a more agressive backend ball.
I would take something that sets up a little earlier, but is more polished for length and backend, then I'd play outside of their track with basically the same breakpoint.****
There are 2 reasons for this.
1. Playing this part of the lane is difficult for ALMOST anyone, so you're not very likely to encounter someone that says "Hey, I'm gonna follow that guy out there, he's scoring!" and then they come out and mess up your line.
2. By the virtue of that type of ball****, the coverstock is going to pick up on their drying exit point (where the ball comes out of the back of the pattern in this case, 43 feet) and as the night goes on, it will become stronger and should hit harder. And, due to the drilling, the ball will start earlier, and thereby the weight block will "coast" the ball into the pocket, rather than throwing it in with a sudden jerk.
****My personal reccomendation for the ball of choice would be something like the old Ebonite Blue Ice (the New Age Bash or Clash), drilled with pin above ring bridge (about 1"), and CG kicked out to get the ball to start earlier, maybe a 50 degree layout to mass bias, with a weight hole on PAP.
High rev rate (400-450 rpm)
Semi-high speed (16-17 mph)
Book average: 193 (current 245)
For a game based on the principles of science and math, bowling sure does have a bad habit of being illogical.