Lol, yeah, everything I HAVE is rolling too early. It's laid out pin over bridge, cg kicked out an inch from the midline, IF that far. My Detonator, Raging Red, and Power Groove are laid out the same way. The only thing that isn't is my Purple Fuze, and it's laid out pin under bridge, cg about an inch from my pap. I polished it to death, and it doesn't move much at all. But on this pattern, the buff area is murder. The backends are too soft to do much at all. I'd have a better look if I was bowling decent, but I've always had trouble with this house. All the trying to throw it harder or rev it up more just messed with my game too much. There are some guys that can get length and power into the pocket, but I don't know how they do it. Their stuff just skids that extra couple feet before it starts moving, and a lot of them have stronger drillings than I have. I know the specs, logistics, and everything, I just plain can't get a good reaction, and neither can my boss. Too many flat 10's. I could hit the pocket everytime no problem, but sometimes the pins act like they're nailed to the deck. I don't want to just put it where I can hit the pocket, I want to throw a NICE shot that hits FLUSH and reacts well. None of this half-ass throw it down the lane and hope it carries crap.
HAH! I don't know ANYBODY now!
Being in adult leagues teaches you many things.
1. You're not on top anymore, but there are a lot more people that suck worse than you do now.
2. The myth about the youths having an easier shot is NOT TRUE. I'd have an entire ring collection if it was.
3. Drunk adults are a lot funnier than drunk youths.