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Author Topic: Big Average or Big Games/Sets?  (Read 4666 times)

The Hose

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Big Average or Big Games/Sets?
« on: September 23, 2003, 01:41:04 AM »
If you had you choice at a big average, 228 or higher, but no honor scores or a 205 average with a 300 game or an 800 series.

Which would you rather do?  I know some cats that only want the big games and if the first ball doesn't strike, they blow the game off and don't even try.  Those cats will have a low 200 average but will pop off a 300 every now and then and maybe even an 800 series.

Others will grind out every shot and make every spare and will average 220-230 even though they don't have any 300's or 800's for the year.

Which one of these bowlers do you want on your team or which one do you thing are the better bowlers?




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Re: Big Average or Big Games/Sets?
« Reply #16 on: September 24, 2003, 10:51:05 AM »
I can remember that before I ever had an honor score, it bothered me quite a bit when some hack would flash his 300 ring and ask me where mine was.  It didn't seem to matter to him or the other hacks that my average was 20 pins higher or that my tournament record was 10 times better.  It was all about getting that 300 award.

Sorry to qualify my response, but if I had never had a 300 game, then I would take a season of averaging 190 with at least one 300 game over the 225 average with no honor scores.  However once I have a couple 300 games, then bring on the big average and forget about the 300 game.

I'm a pretty quiet person and normally don't brag, but just for the loud-mouth THB's, I gold-plated my 800 ring and sized it for my middle finger.  Now, when one of these hacks starts bragging about his 300 game, I proudly display my shiny 800 ring.  It actually shuts them up.


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Re: Big Average or Big Games/Sets?
« Reply #17 on: September 24, 2003, 11:20:26 AM »
Come on ksucat, I can’t really believe you would do that.

I guess it depends on where you are at in your bowling. I personally would rather have the average than the rings but I already have all the rings (but 900). And I believe it would be near impossible on today’s conditions to average 220+ for several years and not shoot an honor score somewhere along the line. But if I hadn’t ever had an honor score then I would probably rather have the 20 pin lower average and get one just so I could join the club.


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Re: Big Average or Big Games/Sets?
« Reply #18 on: September 24, 2003, 12:25:50 PM »
Yes Bones, you are correct.  I gues I was thinking about the leagues in my area.  Anyone that averages over 205 tends to be pretty consistant.  We have a few guys like you mentioned, but because of thier inconsistancy, they barely break 200.
Eric T. Spivey, P.E.
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Re: Big Average or Big Games/Sets?
« Reply #19 on: September 24, 2003, 12:28:57 PM »
At this time... I would be happy with either!!!!



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Re: Big Average or Big Games/Sets?
« Reply #20 on: September 24, 2003, 12:41:13 PM »
High average, with no HONOR scores is not as good as 200+ bowler who will, "now and then," "earn" their honor scores (plural).  That would be like Michael Jordan winning every individual scoring title, BUT the Bulls NEVER getting the Ring.


That's not a very good analogy.  Shooting a 300 is a single game accomplishment.  Winning a scoring title, getting the Ring and having league high average are full season achievements (well getting the ring is actually part full season and part playoffs - but you get the point).  So, getting the Ring is more like being on the team that wins the the league and that can conceivably be accomplished in either of the above-stated scenarios.

Oh, and I agree with Hose, give me the average.  Sure it would be nice to have the 300/800 rings, but I don't need the validation of others brought on by gawking at a ring.  Besides, my highest game is 279 whereas my father-in-law, whose average is 20 pins lower than mine, has both a 299 and 300.  So, I think it's great that he shot 3 bills, but I am fine with the personal satisfaction of knowing that I am a better bowler than he - 300 or no 300.
Regards, ClutchClay


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Re: Big Average or Big Games/Sets?
« Reply #21 on: September 24, 2003, 01:07:31 PM »
Pinbuster, doesn't sound like me at all, but I have done it once.  Have wanted to do it a few other times though.

Call me shallow, but I still remember the times before I had an honor score and would have gladly gave away 30 pins in average to get one.


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Re: Big Average or Big Games/Sets?
« Reply #22 on: September 24, 2003, 01:40:26 PM »
I agree with Ty.  Right now, either one would be an improvement from where I'm at now.


Why, WHY won't the last one just fall??  It's WIGGLING for cryin' out loud!!
Little Bo Peep has lost her sheep...

I wonder where they went? ;)


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Re: Big Average or Big Games/Sets?
« Reply #23 on: September 24, 2003, 01:58:19 PM »
Are you all trying to tell me that you wouldn't want a 294???  Geez, that is an awesome game, and one that most don't have.    No takers for that I guess.  It will make for a nice 11 in a row plaque on the wall.  

Who needs a 300 or 800, when I have a 294!?!?!

Jeff Carter

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Re: Big Average or Big Games/Sets?
« Reply #24 on: September 24, 2003, 08:04:06 PM »
Heres an interesting twist to this topic. What would you rather have : some worthless individual leagues scores or records, or a PBA National ( or regional ) Title. What would make you the most proud to own ???
Bowl to Win
Jeff Carter


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Re: Big Average or Big Games/Sets?
« Reply #25 on: September 24, 2003, 09:56:04 PM »
I agree with Bones I would rather have a big tournament victory than any league score.


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Re: Big Average or Big Games/Sets?
« Reply #26 on: September 24, 2003, 10:08:31 PM »
Here is a great example, my brother has a higher average than me.  I think he is a great bowler, has a great game, but no 800's.  He does have more 300's than me, 6 to 3, but I have 4 more 800's.  He tells me everytime that he would trade a 800 for his average.  

Im working on my game, so that I can outaverage him, and mabey still have more 800 than him.  I guess once you have had the honor scores, which I do have all, you really want to work on that average.  I think it is imbarrasing when someone says, you have 4 800's and cant average higher than I am.  I know, currently at 213 after 5 weeks, I can average above 220, on my traveling league, which is everyone's goal in this league. Well, mabey 210 for most!

If you want to talk about the ABC's, I think I would be a toss up on either the honor games or titles, although a title would be nice!  I think it is a great accomplishment if one does throw a honor score because they reconized that everytime you bowl, and your picture will be up every year.  I had my shot last year, had the front 10, and ended up with a 289.  Titles are hard to come by, but if you shot a honor score, that will make everyone proud.

As far as a PBA title, that would only be a dream.........of mine that is.
Add some steering fluid, watch that ball turn!!!

Edited on 9/24/2003 10:25 PM


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Re: Big Average or Big Games/Sets?
« Reply #27 on: September 25, 2003, 11:02:43 AM »
Now that we switched gears a little to include tournaments.  My philosophy stays the same here.  I would trade consistent cashing and a higher average for one tournament title.  After that title, then I would work on more consistency.  

This is why I believe you should develop your "A" game to its fullest potential until you have mastered it so well that you can win a title against the very best in the world when you match up.  After you win this title, you can then work much more on versatility so as you do not get shut out when your "A" game doesn't match up.

I was fortunate enough to have a 300 at the ABC tournament, but I would gladly trade that and any future honor score in anywhere for 1 Eagle (preferably Team event, so I can share my joy).  An honor score gets announced in your squad and gets you a picture on the wall.  An Eagle gets you respect.


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Re: Big Average or Big Games/Sets?
« Reply #28 on: September 25, 2003, 12:34:25 PM »
I dont know Bob, a ABC Hall of Fame member would be the best of them all!
Add some steering fluid, watch that ball turn!!!


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Re: Big Average or Big Games/Sets?
« Reply #29 on: September 26, 2003, 03:28:05 AM »
Interesting question, I would like to have a 300 or 800, unfortuately I don't.  I know a couple of guys that have 800's (leftys, sorry hose).  One of them shot 3 400's at nationals a couple of years ago.  Right now I am wondering if and when I will ever shoot 300 or 800.  I have averaged fairly decent over the past 6 or 7 years.  I just haven't been able to put the game let alone the series together.  My high game is 299, which I left a 9 pin, that sucked.  My high series is 774, 539 at the turn.  I left a washout in the second frame and didn't make 261.  I shoot 772 in 01 in state singles, won singles scratch, missed one ten pin, very frustrating.

I like to think I am regarded as a consistent bowler.  I don't throw many big 7's or 250+ games, but I average between 210-220.  I usually shoot within 10 pins of average every game.  

So, I would have to say if I had a 300/800, I would love to average 230 but I would give just about anything for an 800.  My father-in-law has like 5 300's, 1 800, and numerous 790+ series.  He admits he doesn't even know where he throws the ball.  He stands left throws right and carries well.  How freaking frustrating is that??  I think he is averaging 235 or so on one league, but just over or less than 200 on another.  The tougher league breaks down fast and adjusting is an art.  I am averaging 210ish after 3 weeks on the tougher league and 195 or so on the "softer" shot, mostly due to lack of carry.  I can hit the pocket but have a hell of a time carrying anything.
