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Author Topic: what do you do when you find you're chasing the shot??  (Read 1652 times)


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what do you do when you find you're chasing the shot??
« on: September 30, 2003, 02:55:34 AM »
I bowl in one house here locally that I just can't seem to figure out. For example, last night I found a great shot from 24-18 at the arrows out to about 12 breakpoint. I had it for a few frames, then it went away. The ball started skidding. So, I thought I was hitting carrydown.

Then I moved parallel right, 3 boards. That was ok, for a few frames, then it went away. I was going high.

So I moved 3-2. Once again, I had a shot for a few frames, then it went away.
I only had 2 doubles all night - missed 2 spares (one bucket, 1 10 pin), and had 2 or three splits. I shot 547. This is the third week (of three total) that I've been under 550 in this house. Just can't seem to find it.

I've tried different hand positions, about 8 different balls. I'm consistently getting lied to by the lanes and my equipment.

What in the world do you guys do to find a shot and settle in???
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Re: what do you do when you find you're chasing the shot??
« Reply #1 on: September 30, 2003, 06:14:34 PM »
All I can do is sympathize with you really.  I have a house here that I can't figure out either.  I can get pretty close, but like you say, just not quite totally there.  What kind of a pattern is it?  It doesn't sound like you're playing a super tight line, but tighter than what most house patterns require.  I don't have the kind of backends that would allow me to play that line, or the kind of length to get a stronger ball down the lane.  I could do it with practice, probably, but it'd never be a preferred line, or even a backup line.  Wood or synthetic house?  Length of pattern?  I'm not going to try suggesting anything, cause if I knew how to attack a bland pattern like that, I'd be doing it, and I also don't want to insult your intelligence, as I'm sure you're more experienced than I am by far.
HAH!  I don't know ANYBODY now!

Being in adult leagues teaches you many things.  

1.  You're not on top anymore, but there are a lot more people that suck worse than you do now.  

2.  The myth about the youths having an easier shot is NOT TRUE.  I'd have an entire ring collection if it was.  

3.  Drunk adults are a lot funnier than drunk youths.


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Re: what do you do when you find you're chasing the shot??
« Reply #2 on: September 30, 2003, 06:18:38 PM »
Here's my two cents...

1) Adjust faster -- From you post, you know the moves to make.  Just make them faster.  Be alert for any hit that wasn't dead flush.  Ask yourself, "did I miss a bit or did the lane change?"  Be cockey when you threw a good shot and make the move.  That way you are a step ahead instead of chasing.

It also helps to have a teammate who you can watch and adjust with.  If the teammate missed, then evaluate his shot and move if he threw a good one.

2) Roll the ball -- look to equipment and hand positions with early roll & arc properties.  You want the ball to be stable and smooth.  I was always taught "roll for control".  Also a strong midlane gives you a cleaner read on lane changes.

3) Copy the freak -- in league or tourney's no matter how hard the shot, there's always somebody who's just found the match up.  Usually, its somebody who's clock you'd clean on any other condition, but on this shot they are are a freak of nature who's string 'em with ease.  Find this person and analyze what they are doing.  Look at their speed, revs, breakpoint, and ball choice and then compare what they are doing to your game.

I'm not saying that you should assume their style.  I mean figure out what it would take for you to bowl their line.  Maybe they are a low-rev bowler using a particle ball down & in on the outside.  You are a high-rev bowler with more speed, but maybe a pearl urethane would give your shot the same look.  Try it and see.
Good luck & good bowling

Edited on 9/30/2003 6:28 PM
Good luck & good bowling


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Re: what do you do when you find you're chasing the shot??
« Reply #3 on: October 01, 2003, 12:46:40 AM »
Well, you guys have great advice. However, there really isn't anyone in the league I can line up off of... Sounds cocky, I know, but there's one decent bowler in the league (and according to averages, it's not me) - and he's a lefty.
This is a league sponsored by our local radio station. Lots of first timers, and a ton of plastic house balls. That may actually be part of my problem, but I don't think that answers ALL of it.

Oh - Constantine - just so you know - when the shot goes away, it goes away in one shot. Goes from DEAD flush to either through the nose or washout...

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Re: what do you do when you find you're chasing the shot??
« Reply #4 on: October 01, 2003, 01:28:16 AM »
Since you're only shooting in the 540's, why look for the big score? It's probably not going to be there. Make it an opportunity to learn how to 'take the lane out of play'. Stop crossing boards. Got a urethane ball? When I can't find a decent shot that holds up (rare as that may be in my area), I throw my Black Hammer. It keeps me out of trouble. I love to throw it in practice. There aren't too many places where you can't throw it straight up the boards or angle it into the pocket and keep it there pretty much all day long. Granted, you're not going to shoot 800 (short oil days are gone ) but there aren't too many conditons where if you have reasonable accuracy in your game that you can't shoot 580 to 650 with one. If your closet is hammer-less, you might want to consider something along the lines of the new XXL? Or a tame drilling on a Black Messenger? Just a thought. One thing it's done for me - I no longer fear a lane that won't hook. If you 'practice straight' you can play straight. Do you have a 'panic line' that you know will get a 'straight shot' to the pocket on almost any condition? That's something to work on in practice, maybe with your spare ball. Urethane will also allow you to play in the torched area of a track for a long time, using what remains of the 'wall' long past when the reactive/particle stuff is useless. If you ain't crossing boards they can't affect the ball path. Give retro a try.

Edited on 10/1/2003 1:44 AM


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Re: what do you do when you find you're chasing the shot??
« Reply #5 on: October 01, 2003, 01:32:51 AM »
When I run across a condition like that (rarely), I go as straight as possible. I mean, either pointing the ball off the right gutter or playing straight up 15 with as little hand as possible. Sure, you're not gonna shoot huge, but i'd take flat ten after flat ten over jumping every frame. JMO


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Re: what do you do when you find you're chasing the shot??
« Reply #6 on: October 01, 2003, 01:34:59 AM »
Mumzie, what are you doing in a beginners league full of plastic balls?

Just kidding you.
In the old days, they used axes to chop up wood...Nowadays, they use "BUZZSAWS".
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Re: what do you do when you find you're chasing the shot??
« Reply #7 on: October 01, 2003, 05:10:10 AM »
I've had nights like that, but I find 90% of the time it's not really the lane condition that's changing so fast - it's something about me - usually I'm rushing my feet and getting out of time or I'm starting to bend the elbow or make some other fundamental mistake.

Best advice I know if you are absolutely sure it isn't you is to watch the people who ARE scoring and try to move your feet and target so you can get to the same breakpoint they're using.


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Re: what do you do when you find you're chasing the shot??
« Reply #8 on: October 01, 2003, 05:53:20 AM »
a quick question for you..

have you gone in deeper???

I know one house I used to really struggle at was something like that....seemed there was this shot there.....and would just vaporize.......was struggling my butt off ....and decided to try way deep......and found it waiting for me there........

not sure this is the you may have tried this....but may be worth a shot.....
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Re: what do you do when you find you're chasing the shot??
« Reply #9 on: October 01, 2003, 10:36:19 AM »
Mumzie said " I found a great shot from 24-18 at the arrows out to about 12 breakpoint. "

I am going to assume that since your breakpoint was inside of 10 that outside of 10 the ball reads too early and too strong.

Mumzie said "then it went away. The ball started skidding. So, I thought I was hitting carrydown. Then I moved parallel right, 3 boards"

Two things to try here.
#1 Only move 1&1. You had a good productive line that just carried down a little and made the ball late. A 1&1 will simply step the ball away from the pocket an extra board giving it just a little more room to turn. Plus keep in mind that carry down is not oil applied with a wide brush to the lane but a thin line applied by the ball (think of a Sharpie pen). If that line was put there by a flaring ball then the line looks like Morse Code. Meaning that it will be about 4 inches long then a space of maybe 1 foot then another 4 inch long line. It will go like this all the way through the pin deck. It does not take much to step outside that thin line.

The mistake you are making is moving too much just to get outside a thin line of oil. When you made the 3&3 move that stepped the ball outside the river of oil that runs from 10 to 10. Yes the ball may hold for a few shots but then the oil will be depleted pretty quickly and the ball will go back to reading too strong like it did to start with. That is why you had your breakpoint inside of 10 remember?

If a 1&1 is not enough then try 1 more with the feet or a 2 with the feet and 1 with the eyes. This keeps the ball inside of 10 at the break point but squares you up just a little so the ball can make the turn to the pocket.
Just be ready to start stepping back as soon as you see the 4 pin start to fall last. You will most likely start to deplete enough oil that the ball will start to hook again.

#2 Option is to make the ball turn the corner just a little stronger and you may not have to move your feet at all or just the 1 & 1. There are several ways to do this depending on what you are best at.

#1 Curl your little finger if it is not already. (If anyone feels pain in the back of the hand or fingers don't do this) Sometimes curling will be enough to get the ball back striking. This not only makes for a little stronger release but for most people will step the ball out an extra board at the breakpoint causing it to go around the carry down.
#2 Slow the ball a little. The only difference between the lane when you started and the lane now is just a slight amount of oil or lubricant. The extra lubricant keeps the ball from slowing down enough to start hooking in time to get to the just throw the ball a little slower. I am only talking about a small change here. So maybe drop the ball in the stance 1 or 2 inches. (move up on the approach by the same amount to keep your timing the same.

#3 Throw just a little more axis rotation. This will not really make the ball hook sooner but will hook stronger when it does start to hook. I like this one the least of the others but it can work if you are good at adding just 3 or 4 degrees of axis rotation.

With all of these ideas you must be ready to start undoing them. You will most likely start depleting enough oil that the ball will start reading early again. Watch that 4 pin. If it starts falling last back off a notch.

I hope this helps and bowl great!!
Ron Clifton


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Re: what do you do when you find you're chasing the shot??
« Reply #10 on: October 01, 2003, 10:42:28 AM »

Oh - Constantine - just so you know - when the shot goes away, it goes away in one shot. Goes from DEAD flush to either through the nose or washout...

I don't doubt you.  I'm just working off my own personal demons.  Too often when the ball isn't perfect, I blame me for not throwing the perfect shot so I don't adjust.  When I should be confident & say that the shot was good enough and make the move.
Good luck & good bowling
Good luck & good bowling


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Re: what do you do when you find you're chasing the shot??
« Reply #11 on: October 01, 2003, 12:28:23 PM »
Like the old song goes... When you find yourself in trouble.. let it be. If all else fails... forget all the technique and roll straight at the pocket. Then it's a game of making spares (which are generally straight shots anyway). We had a house in our area that seemed to be from another galaxy. Noboby could figure the place out. Then one day the house hired a new lane guy, and suddenly there's a shot.  If the lane guy does not know how to set up their equipment properly to dress the lanes.... there ain't gonna be no shot! Besides... sounds like the situation you found yourself in is because it's all for fun (radio station promo stuff). Is the house shot the same for the other leagues?


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Re: what do you do when you find you're chasing the shot??
« Reply #12 on: October 01, 2003, 01:56:34 PM »
{smacking self in middle of forehead...}
I think you nailed it. I hadn't thought about just carrydown in the midlane. But wiht all the plastic around, that would make lots of sense. Plastic, squirting the oil all around the middle of the lane. Gee - middle doesn't just have to mean side to side - does it???


Some great thoughts, and things to work on.

THANKS AGAIN, folks!!!

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